Monday, January 31, 2011

Sandpaper People

Be a PeaceMaker not a Trouble Maker

But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure, then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy, good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness. James 3:17-18

Do you have a person in your life that can do the slightest little thing to annoy you? It could be a neighbor, family member, friend, teacher, someone in your school? Are you annoying to someone else that you rub shoulders with frequently? These are called Sandpaper People. They rub us the wrong way! My daughter Abby and I talk about this often. How do we treat these people?

We'd like to wave our magic wand and remove them from our world, but I think God has a more useful plan for these people to be in our lives. Our emotions would like to trade unpleasantries or at times get even when they offend us.

What are some ways we can deal with them? Pray for them, treat them with kindness with our words, do something unexpectedly kind to brighten their day. If all else fails, realize that not everyone is going to love us and we are not always going to love everyone either. There are all sorts of personalities, some just do not mesh. It is Ok to stay at a safe distance but when your paths do cross, make every effort to give that person a smile and a simple hello.

God allows these type of people in our lives to help us grow. If there was a simple formula and everyone got a long without disagreements, or personality clashes we would live in a perfect world, I think they call it Heaven. If you have done the best you can to get a long with someone that isn't trying, turn them over to God and let HIM deal with the relationship.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Cash is King

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

You cannot serve both God and Money!

Our church has been doing a study on Balancing Your Finances. In my quest for Abundant Living, balance is one word that I have been meditating on . I will explore each area with you, today being money. We can't live without it for it has been part of us our entire lives. Generations before us, like my grandparents lived through the depression. Most of us live pay check to pay check but don't really understand what living through that era was like. Living with this past recession, people are getting closer to understanding; losing their homes, losing their jobs, being layed off temporarily, pay cuts, etc.

They learned to make do without, being resourceful and not being wasteful, using cash not credit, habits that have been a part of their entire lives. Our culture has taught us to spend first, pay later, the reason for our country's overwhelming debt. Often we are still paying long after the item is gone or worn out. We have to have everything right now. This is in affect being seen by us in our kids impacting their spending habits in the future. We have given ours an allowance hoping that we will teach them how to tithe, save then spend. However, it is not going so well for us.

I think the biggest reason is "plastic". Anything we feel we have to have right at the moment is just one swipe away, a debit or credit card. How many times a day do they see you swipe? I continue to explain to Dylan that when dad works, the check goes into the bank for us to be able to swipe that card. But that concept just does not compute in his cute little head.

In the past two weeks, we have been forced to look at where our life has taken us and to revisit our roots of how we started when we were first married. Paul and I have been blessed. He has not lost his job, our house or even received pay cuts. However, we are truly being convicted to be better stewards with what God has entrusted to us. To those that He gives much, He expects that much more.

Our philosophy back in our early days, almost 23 years ago was to live within a budget, living within our means so that Paul would not be forced to work overtime to pay for our lifestyle. To achieve this we used a cash envelope system. We would do it for all the categories that were not fixed categories like utilities, mortgage, gas, etc. We would average money spent over six months and then divide it by his two paychecks a month. When the money in the envelope was gone for entertainment, groceries or dining out, we would force ourselves not to do those things again until the money was replenished with the next check.

If wanted a new piece of furniture, cash for Christmas, or even a new car, we would put money in each month to savings to pay for those things and then walk in with the cash when it was time for the purchase. In reality, you were saving for the things before not AFTER they were purchased. We would use coupons and buy one get one free coupons for restaurants and other activities. We would buy only the groceries we needed, not throwing food away because we had bought more than we could use.

One of the most compelling statements for me was "When you want to give to those who are in need, you can't because you have already spent your resources on what you don't need!!!"

What is it in your life that you need to get back in order? What do you have in your closet, garage or food pantries that is beyond what you "need"? I have often said to my kids, is it something you "want" or "need"? What financial decisions have caused you to stress, dividing your attention and family peace and unity? What can you get rid of to restore your life to abundant living?

In the end, I truly want to be found faithful in all things, including the resources that He has blessed us with to further His Kingdom.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Blessings Cry out from a Laundry Basket

Joy Begins with a Thankful Heart

Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand. 
I Chronicles 29:14

Have you ever looked at your stack of dirty laundry and then at the heaping basket of clean folded clothes thinking that it is like multiplying rabbits. I do two to three loads a day! I can never keep up. I put one load in the washer, another in the dryer and run out the door. When I come back I do the same thing. Today when I looked at the basket I saw the basket differently. Instead of complaining, thoughts came flooding into my mind of how many blessings that basket reminds me of.

We have more clothes than we need, hence the 12 load week. We have clothes for school, church, play, sports, night time clothes, linens for the bathroom, linens for our beds, linens for the kitchen, even linens to clean the house that we live in. To wash my clothes, there are hundreds of kinds of washers and dryers to choose from. We have running water and water heaters to make our clothes clean. There are many kinds of soap to choose from, liquid or powder and laundry softeners that come in liquid or sheets. We live in the minority of mankind!

Most families in the world don't have multiple sets of clothes for their family to wear, household linens or choices of household appliances to do our daily chores for us. If they are blessed, they have access to water, it might be clean water for drinking, bathing and washing what clothes they do have by hand without soap or softener.  They consider themselves blessed if they can find a school for their children to attend. School activities, sports teams or music lessons is beyond their comprehension. For most women of the world, their focus is how they will put food in their childrens' mouths, clothes on their back or any kind of medical care to keep them alive.

The tasks that we find menial and mundane take up so much more of their life for they do everything by hand. With grateful hearts, they cook what little has been given to them or what they have found in someone else's discarded scraps. We are a blessed nation, with little thought to all our immenities; bounty of food, shelter and "things" that fill our finite minds and energy.

Do you realize that on any given day, there are MILLIONS of men and women who would trade their life for ours in the blink of an eye. We have untold freedoms, homes that are not cardboard boxes or shantys, cars to take us from one destination to the next not our own two feet? Don't fool yourself for one moment, we have little to do with how blessed we are. God allowed us to be born in the United States!!! All that we have has been given to us by HIM! When was the last time you thanked God for all the blessings in your life or do you spend most of your time with HIM asking for one more thing?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Jesus in the Flesh

For the past six weeks we have learned as a family what it is like to raise a puppy. Mollie is small and cuddly, gives endless amounts of kisses and loves to crawl up on your chest and snuggle around your neck to take a nap. Every where she goes people want to hold her and snuggle with her. Although she requires a lot of care, she really doesn't ask for any thing. You can yell at her for not making it through the doggy door and she will still come back to you waiting for hugs and kisses...

Do the people in your world do the same? If you don't perform or say or do the right things when they want you to do them, do they still shower you with hugs, kisses and words of admiration expecting nothing in return?

Unfortunately, I don't think most of human nature works like that. If you have a few people in your life like that you are truly blessed. How blessed I am to have my grandma and grandpa still with us here on earth. Grandpa turned 91 this year in August, Grandma 90 in September. They have been a constant picture of unconditional love throughout my ENTIRE life! They have loaned money, brought meals, bought clothes, donated cars, given countless money to charitable organizations out in the middle of no where. I have never heard them say one unkind word about any of their children or grandchildren or any friend, no matter what choices people have made, good or bad, even if it went against their opinion. They have opened up their homes and their hearts to strangers showing the love of Jesus.

Almost every birthday of my life, my grandparents drove hours to bring me a special cake. When I was little my mom made all of my clothes because we didn't have the money to buy them in the store. Once a year they would buy me a special dress that was always my favorite for the year. It wasn't the physical things that they did for me that meant the most to me. It was sitting on their front porch eating watermelon, watching fireflies, walking hand in hand to the park across the street, playing games and sitting around the table for MANY home cooked meals.

As I have watched them fade away for the past five years, grandma slowing losing her mind (she has dimentia) and now both of them almost not even walking or being able to stand, it doesn't matter how they look, smell or even the fact that they can't always remember what I have said or if I have been there or called. When I walk into the room, I always get the bright smile, the warm hugs, the simple I love you, you made my day by spending a few moments with us, I understand so very clearly the depth of Christ's love through the flesh of Mark and Mary.

They are basically forgotten members of society, just sitting in an retirement center, passing each day by waiting to go to the next meal, a visit, or phone call, waiting to be released from this life. Although their one little bedroom apt is small, it is the place where they feel safe and call their home. When you walk in, you feel the love of Jesus. To me, they have lived the love of Jesus more than most people I have come across in my lifetime. How blessed I have been that they have touched my life in such a deep place, gently leading me to The True Originator of unconditional love...

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life...(John 3:16) Do you get that? God wanted a relationship so badly with me, that He sent His ONLY son to die in my place because I had sin in my life that prohibited me from having a relationship with Him...

Could I give my son up on your behalf? Never, sorry! Do I extend unconditional love to my family and friends? Am I Jesus in the flesh to those around me? Am I gracious when I see needs around me and am willing to sacrifice what I have to help others? What a legacy to leave behind that another can say, he/she taught me what it was to love unconditionally...

Puzzle Pieces

Friends Give Us Abundant Life

God created man to live in fellowship with others. It is so much fun to do things together, like have coffee or go to dinner, run a race or go see a new movie. Friends are important to us, from the very beginning of our lives.

For the past 8 years I have asked God to put the puzzle pieces of my life back together. With my father being a pastor, we moved so many times, I went to three elementary schools, a middle school and then to a private high school. While in college (3 different ones)  my parents moved two times. I always envied my husband telling stories of the same kids he had grown up with, developing a loyalty and sense of "work everything out" by living in the same place all of your life, a place called "home".

I would make great friends and then move away, wondering what ever happened to them. I always said that when I had a family we would stay firmly planted in one place so that our kids would have a place they called "home".

A year ago I got on Facebook. One by one, God helped me find my friends from elementary school in Ohio. I was reconnected with friends from junior high and my high school that went out of business just after I graduated, my youth group, my friends from church camp, the majority of the kids I went on my first mission trip to the Dominican Republic, my college friends and roommates where I met Paul, my college friends from Taylor, my friends from our first real home in Cleveland before we moved to Arizona, my friends from my corporate job at Ernst and Young, our first friends in Phoenix.

Each person I call friend, was/is a part of my life. One of my dearest friends says there are seasons for every friend that you make; some are for you to help them, some are to help you, some only last a short time, some last a lifetime. Each friend has significant meaning for memories that you share, or events that take place. Everyone makes up our fabric like a tapestry. With pieces missing it was an incomplete picture and although there are friends that I may never see here again on this earth, I pray that I see each and every one in heaven. There are some that I know for sure love and serve Jesus. There are others that I just don't know where they stand. I pray that each and every one will experience the love of Jesus here on earth and that one day we will be reunited.

God provides for all of our needs. When we change locations, stages in life (getting married, having kids, education changes, change churches) God provides new friends, opportunities to grow and learn from being part of a community. Friends make our life richer through the good times as well as the bad.

God cares enough about me to want me to be whole, even my smallest desire to be reunited in some way with people from my past...He never wants us to stop growing so He continues to place new people in our lives to sharpen us to be more like Him..

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Power of a Word

Each morning I ask the Lord what He wants me to talk about in my blog. I have so many thoughts and so many notes I have taken in the past years from my favorite books and from my all time favorite, The Holy Bible!

Yesterday I talked about relationships. Today I want to discuss how we impact others with our words. We breathe life or death upon our children, spouses, other family members, friends and every other life we touch in a single day through our words. Proverbs 15:4 says: A Godly tongue gives life but a perverted tongue crushes the spirit. It is astounding how many verses in the Bible relate to our mouth: anger, gossip, slander, a runaway mouth, whining and complaining, nagging, wisdom and foolishness, making a promise and not keeping it, idle lips, lack of respect, cursing God or others, telling lies, superior attitudes, bragging, impatient words, bitter resentments, words of judgement and criticism, exasperating our children, course joking, using God's name in vain...The list goes on forever! These are sinful ways we can use our words. The Bible says what comes out of our mouth is a reflection of what is in our heart. Wow, that is convicting!!!

What are all the Godly ways we can use our words: encouraging another, to mourn or celebrate with someone else, praying for someone, speaking the truth in love, affirming another's worth, blessing someone who is having a bad day or telling someone they are loved, giving someone hope or leading someone to Jesus... How we use our words is a personal choice, but not one to be taken lightly.

Another way to use your words wisely is to avoid saying something negative about a person to another. Did your mom ever tell you, "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"? We are all guilty of sharing an offense that someone committed against us to another, if even just a stranger. I know, I am guilty as charged!!!! You are too, just admit it! It happens EVERY day; a driver cuts us off, a child shows disrespect, a spouse hurts our feelings, a parent disappoints, a friend forgets about us or leaves us out from an invitation to an event or hasn't called us, a teacher or coach treats our child unfairly.

What can I do when I am tempted to open my lips and say something bad about someone? First, bite my tongue, pray in my heart and say nothing. Second, find one good thing that I admire about that person and keep that thought. Speaking negatively; poisons my heart, hurts the other person's reputation or name, is a bad example to others who may not know Jesus and is a bad example to others who look to me as a role model and can be a sin. Finally, it must make Jesus very sad and disappointed to watch one of his creations being disrespected, even though at times we feel justified in "airing our frustrations." "Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good and necessary to build up others, that it may grant grace to those who hear....Speak no evil of any one. Titus 3:2

Try avoid creating conflict, be a peacemaker instead of creating divisions. Think before you speak, often if the words you speak hurt another person, they can forgive you but it is never erased from their memory, the damage has already been done. If a person tells you a story in confidence, they trusted you enough to tell you. Don't share it, let them tell their own story, even if it is a general piece of news like them buying a new car. "Their story is theirs alone unless they want it to be shared."

If gossip is swirling around you, change the subject, there is nothing good about a story being told. If that person is gossiping about someone else, chances are they will be gossiping about you too someday!

Be careful about the expectations you have of others, expectations only create disappointment, especially when they don't do something as you think they should. Learn to accept others for who they are not how you think they should be. God created all of us different for a reason! How boring the world would be if we were all the same. Grant grace freely to others, for we are all imperfect and can have a bad day! Think about the impact of what you are going to say to someone before it leaves your lips and if it is giving them life or is crushing their spirit.

The worst part of a sharing the truth with others is that the one who shares is the most accountable. Please grant me grace...I am still a work in progress!

Those who talk a lot are likely to sin. But those who control their tongue are wise. Prov. 10:19

Monday, January 24, 2011

Beginning of Relationships

After being in right relationship what's the next step for me to finding joy?

Beginning of Relationships

After reading through Ecclesiates I realized that I could so relate to the author, you work, you eat, you sleep. What are we toiling for? Stuff and more stuff? Daddy always said that there won't be a U-haul behind my funeral car, carrying all my earthly possessions into heaven. Relationships come and they go. Daddy used to say if you focus on people, they will always disappoint. If you focus on Jesus, He never changes. He will never leave or forsake me! Every day at times seems the same, driving from one place to another, one activity to the next, like Groundhog Day if you have ever seen the movie!

So at the end of the day, everything seems like it is meaningless...At first glance it seems as if I am unhappy with the life He has given me. Maybe at times, but in the mundanes of life I ask myself there must be more to this life here on earth! Ecclesiastes says "Enjoy the life you have been given as fully as you can. Know the measure of each human being's capability. Every person is human, all with a story, imperfections and life experiences that shape their perspective on life. Some are incapable of revealing who they truly are beyond their "my life is wonderful mask", afraid to let others see that they are broken. In bringing your brokenness to life, you find true healing and restoration. Everyone has a deep God given need to be truly loved and known by name.

Each person that I meet I try to remember them by name. It tells the individual that I see that they have intrinsic value, for each human being is made in the image of God. There are times when I get angry with someone and I want to rip into them, it is then that I remember who created them. It is a lifetime journey to be refined, the imperfections to be removed so that each person will truly be restored to the image of God.

It is only God though who truly knows each thought we think...Psalm 139 says You know when I sit and when I rise, you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down, you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely O Lord...Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths you are there...For you created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

There is accountability and security in this knowledge. God loves me unconditionally no matter what I say or do. However, there is nothing that I can say or do without being seen by HIM! Therefore Eccl 12:13 is the beginning of wisdom: Fear God and keep His commandments, this is the whole duty of man! To fear God, it begins with the knowledge that He is the only one who loves me without condition, therefore out of the knowledge of what HE has done for me, I want to love Him more and love others as well...

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Foundation for Living the Abundant Life

My first challenge of the year was given by one of our pastors, Jared...

Ezekial 36: 26-28 "I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a new heart put a new spirit in you; I will remove your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws. 

My first lesson to finding joy was forgiveness...Defined:  to grant free pardon and to give up all claim on account of an offense or debt".  For most of us, the greatest offenses are most often committed by a close family member or a friend of the heart. We are most vulnerable to the people we love because we spend the majority of our emotional energy on loving them, supporting them, walking life with them. When they do something or say something to us that disappoints us, at times we have a hard time processing the hurt and anger, therefore it results in bitterness and unforgiveness. Jesus commands those who love HIM to forgive others. Although it is a command, it is also a choice. He forgives us with the same measure that we forgive others. Really, are you serious? If I don't forgive others, HE won't forgive me? That's what HE says!!!

For me, this has been a life long process, one that I believe I will have trouble with until I reach the other side. I'm not talking about little minor offenses, one time occurences. I 'm talking about disappointments that are justified like a friend leaving you behind or a relative accusing you of something that you did not do or a your child being continually hurt by a friend or teacher. 

In order to hear the voice of the Father, I realized that it could take just one instance of unforgiveness toward one individual or more than one, to put distance between me and my heavenly Father and after a period of time, before you know it, your heart starts to gradually not be so soft, until at one moment you realize it is cold and is starting to harden. The first step is to confess my own lack of forgiveness and then make a conscious choice to "grant free pardon" for all those who knowingly or unknowingly have slighted me in some way. It is at that point where I can hear the still small voices and HE opens my eyes to greater learning of the Word of God, to see the needs of others around me and to feel the Holy Spirit tapping me on the shoulder when I have said something or done something that dishonors the name of the Lord. 

If I want to live a life of joy, I need to live a daily life of forgiveness...Will freely granting people forgiveness make everything better between me and the individual? No, in order for a relationship to be restored the offender must ask for forgiveness. However for my own sake not to be a bitter person, I must not hold any animosity toward any human for my own well being and my relationship with the Lord and do the best of my ability to live at peace with all men! For some of us, this is a hard task. But HE says all things are possible for them that Love the Lord. This may take numerous times of choosing to forgive and and letting go. It is much easier to put the offense out of your mind until the next time the same person offends you in a like manner. But the process is the same, 70x7...Maybe some day it will get a little easier! However, in the end, I gain a sense of peace and a little more joy is restored to my soul!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Entering a New World

Everyone says I should become a writer...This is the first step. I have started two books in the past three years, but they sit waiting to be completed...The first is too personal, a place in the past I don't think I have overcome, the second me living in the present, however research continues onward, stories, data, one day they will be both complete...In the meantime, it is in this place that I can share my thoughts in a short format, things that God is teaching me that maybe can be of some use to someone else...

Each year, God gives me a personal goal, something to explore, pray about, study, like pieces of a puzzle. Last year my word for the year was humility. It was a difficult year of exploration. It started with a book called humility. I thought it would be a simple topic, quick, concise easy to apply... Little did I know that with the word comes "servant boot camp". What is that you are asking, doing tasks that no one else wants to do, being unappreciated or unnoticed at times, serving others without complaint. I have to tell you, there were days I would rather have been sitting at a day spa somewhere, even in my home town, getting a facial, drinking a cool glass of water with a lime, in essence someone waiting on me not the other way around...

Servant, helping others while gaining nothing in return, swallowing your pride, admitting you were wrong, putting aside your own rights or personal agenda for the good of someone else. That is what Jesus did. As a follower of Christ we are to be JUST LIKE HIM, washing the feet of others who at some point will turn around and bite us on the backside, like Judas or Peter, denying that he even knew Jesus...To be honest, there are many days when it is quite easy to be a Christ follower, just out of sheer gratitude that HE loves me regardless of what I say or do. I don't have to do anything to earn it. His first greatest commandment is easy, "Love the Lord God with all your heart, soul and mind. The second greatest commandment is the tough one, "Love your neighbor as yourself." When your neighbor loves you back it is simple, but when they do something to offend me or hurt someone I love and I have to "serve" them in some way, it becomes boot camp...

My verse for the year is John 14:14: I have come that you may have life and have it to the full...

I don't really comprehend all that verse is saying. I just survived a year of exploring what a servant is. I have to say I didn't quite enter 2011 with a heart full of joy, waiting to conquer the world. I am searching for what true joy looks like...There are many who will give you hundreds of verses and Christian cliches of how all things work together for good...

I remember my dad saying so many times that the longer you walk with Christ, the more difficult life becomes. In order to become like HIM, the more trials will come my way. It is an oxymoron to what so many churches teach. If you come to know Christ your life with be filled with happiness, riches and overflowing blessings...I don't really find that in Scriptures, actually quite the opposite if you read all the stories of the Greats; beatings, stonings, floggings, being beheaded. So for 2011, what is the abundant life? I will be sharing in the coming year, the puzzle pieces that HE gives to me as they come! Until next time...