Thursday, February 17, 2011

Matters of the Heart

Valentines Day

Loved reading how all my friends celebrated the day. Our family tradition is spending it together. We have made a conscious choice to include our children. We have a special dinner followed by "fun dip" as Dylan calls it. After dinner I melt chocolate and we dip fruit and rice crispy treats and marshmellows. It is so fun to watch Dylan not only have chocolate cover his entire face and body but as he hits the ceiling after the sugar hits his system. Paul was given the "special plate" used at special occasions. Dylan was a little miffed. I reminded him that his dad was and is my original valentine before my kids were even thought about and that he would always have that place of honor in my heart. I also told Dylan that he was blessed that we chose to include him and not have dinner out away from the family.

Life is so short! While it is so important to tend to the needs of marriage, it is equally important to build lasting traditions in the hearts and minds of our children, to bond them to the confines of "family", a dying breed. Dinners, nights at home are lost behind, sports, music lessons, church functions. All these things are good but steal away from being together!

In thinking about Valentines Day so much emphasis is placed on the emotions of the heart. I have been reflecting that there is also the physical and spiritual side to the heart. Yesterday I read a letter from a family friend. I have known Marv since I was born. He has had two years of touch and go moments with his physical heart, as a matter of fact, he had a life and death experience. It reminded me that God numbers our days, He knows exactly how many days we will live on this earth even before we are born. We need our physical heart to live. It is God who creates our heart and sustains it to continue beating. Without it, our body cannot function. How do I take care of the heart HE has given me? Does every day of my life count for Him? Do I spend the days HE has given wisely or do I just walk through life mindlessly? Am I intentional about how I spend my time?

What about the spiritual side of our heart? Out of our heart flows goodness and evil. What comes out of our mouth is what is born in our heart. Is it our head or our heart that chooses whether we will love and follow God, our heart! It seems that the core of our being comes from our heart. Is my heart right with God? What if He doesn't give me tomorrow? Where will I end up for eternity? I have the peaceful assurance that because I have asked God to forgive my sins and to be in control of my life I will be assured a place in heaven. I know that beyond a shadow of a doubt! How about you? Do you know where you will spend eternity? What kind of shape is your heart in...emotionally, physically, spiritually?

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