Sunday, February 20, 2011

Livin on the Edge

Kids are always seeking a thrill; "I dare you to jump out of the tree!" How fast can you go down that hill on your skate board? I bet you can't jump that ramp on your bike? One day last week, I looked at one of my sweet male piano students who had a black eye. How did you get that black eye, I asked. He replied, "When I jumped off the wall (6 ft high), I crashed into the table on the other side of the wall."

Last weekend and this weekend we will spend time watching our sons and daughters jumping their horses 3' to 4.5' high in a show in Tucson. It is an adrelanine rush for them. Us too, but in a different way, praying that the horse and rider will jump and land safely. Each jump has them and us on the edge of our seats! In essence we are all livin on the edge.

What happens to a human being as they age? Do they lose their zeal, their need for speed, that adrelanine rush? Do the responsibilities of life and others come before the need to rock out of our comfort zone? Does wisdom take over remembering the falls, failures or just fear of taking a risk at something untried? What happens to us as individuals though when we just live day to day in the safety of our routines and the known? At one point do we lose our desire to live on the edge?

I see the choices of adults all around me that have decided to settle in without zeal or passion, looking for some excitement in their life. Some have reverted to drugs of all kinds, alchohol, weed, prescription, etc. They want to escape into the exciting or escape from the life that they are living. Others have chosen affairs, looking for excitement outside of their proven marriages and families risking it all. Many are seeking to live on the edge again, looking for freedom or escape of all their responsibilities. But for many, this escape ruins their life as well as all the lives around them! Their choices outweigh the consequences to seek the quick thrill.

As many around me are looking at life, looking back seeing that probably 1/2 of their life is behind them they are asking questions.What have I done with my life? Have I conquered the world? Have I made an astounding difference in anyone's life? Am I rich or famous? What am I passionate towards?

Passion in its definition means an irresistible motive for a belief or action, any object of warm affection or devotion. Kids have that need for action, it is impossible for them to sit still. They are looking for that next trick or adrelanine rush. Make no mistake when I talk about passion and taking risks I am no way suggesting that we should do anything contrary to what the Word of God has to say! I live by the Bible in every way, word and deed, that is one of my greatest passions. I am not suggesting, Oh, you are bored, go get a divorce or get smashed. I am saying find something of value and worth, and be passionate about it! Find something that you have always desired to try and take the plunge.

I often think about the movie "The Bucket List". If you haven't seen it, you should! It is worth seeing more than once. What would you like to try that you never have before? Do you have things that are on your "to do" list? What are you waiting for? Are you waiting to raise the kids, finish a project, pay things off? What if it never happens? What if you put it off and put it off until you no longer have your health?

From time to time we have tried new things. We tried surfing several years back. We weren't very good at it but it was fun. At 40 I tried to ride a motorcycle. Again I wasn't very good but it was fun to do with Paul and the kids. Two years ago I tried riding my daughter's horse. For a couple of times it was fun until I fell off and decided that it was very painful to hit the ground. I gave up! I gave in to the fear of trying again. We've been downhill skiing the past few winters. I love it even though I have a big fear of heights, especially when I get to the top of a very steep hill and look to the bottom. The feeling almost makes me past out. I know I can do it though because I just look a little ahead concentrating at taking one step at a time, one S turn at a time, knowing that I will get down, granted not as fast as the rest of the family but I will be able to overcome it. It is all the better to try something new with those that you love! I will say that Paul is in great shape and can keep up with the kids far better than I can which is why he works out so much! Breaking out of our comfort zone also builds family memories that will last a lifetime and keeps life fresh for all of us!

I think fear keeps us from doing so many things. What will people think of me when I do this? How can I do this when I am responsible for this and this? How can we afford this? What are you waiting for? All of these things are just excuses!

What are you passionate about? What will it take to bring you out of your comfort zone? How are you impacting those around you? Have you lost zeal in your life? What risks can you take to make a difference? Are you willing to live on the edge?

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