Friday, February 25, 2011

Life Lessons from My Four Legged Friends

God said, Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind. And it was so. God make the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. Gen 1:24-25

God made our animals and He is pleased with them. He created them for our pleasure. If you have a dog, a cat, a horse, don't you love it when they come and snuggle up against you? They don't have to say a word, they just enjoy being in your presence. Don't we all long for that warmth and touch. They love it too! God created both humans and animals similar in this way. We don't have to always have words between us, we just long to be hugged, kissed and touched. It is a human need that He put inside of us from birth.

Eyes are the window to a person/animals soul. It is interesting how you can look an animal in the eye, especially a dog. They watch our human expressions. We can even make our dogs continue to sit or back up by just a look. I can look my animals in the eye and see so many different things, whether they are ashamed, whether they are nervous or happy, when they did something that they don't want me to see. When we look other people in the eye, what do we see? Do you see pain in the eyes of the hair stylist who just got yelled at for 30 minutes by an insensitive mom who looked like a crazed maniac? Do you see loneliness in the eyes of an elderly person who is living alone without their spouse? Can you tell when a person is dishonest trying to get you to do something you are unsure about by looking them in the eye? Does your teenager look away when they are unsure about how they should answer your question? Do you see rejection in the eyes of the child whose parent did not come to the party when all the parents were invited?

Animals tell us many things by their non-verbal cues. Many times when you are grooming a horse they will move their legs like they are digging in the dirt. They are telling us they are bored. Sometimes when my puppy needs to go out, she starts sniffing around in the carpet or she starts chewing on cardboard because her teeth are starting to come in and they are bothering her. Aren't people the same? We give off all kinds of non-verbal cues to each other. Do you notice? I can sit in a room and watch people. When people are uncomfortable at what someone is saying, sometimes heads go down, they start shifting in their seats.  What about if you are out to dinner with someone? They start yawning or are always texting someone else. All of these non-verbals are communicating emotions without using words.

If you have an accident or make a mistake its Ok to hang your head for a little while. Fess up, say you are sorry, and make things right. Don't walk around with your tail between your legs. Learn from it and leave the past behind!

If you leave an animal alone for too long, they cause trouble. My dogs are dangerous together. The things they do together is quite fun for them, quite destructive for us, tearing out stuffing of animals, or pillows. They have chewed up a remote control, dug up flowers, chewed up toothbrushes. Aren't people the same? People get themselves in trouble when there is nothing exciting going on in their lives.When we become idle, we get into trouble.

If you truly need something or need help, don't be afraid to beg. Many times friends and family are willing to lend a helping hand. Others can't read our minds!

If you are angry with someone, don't show your teeth and growl. Walk away for a period of time and then express how you feel. Once you say words in anger, you can't take them back. Biting someone in the backside never achieves the affect you want it to.

Don't dig through your own personal trash. Leave behind your negative movies that you play over and over in your mind. Let go of your grudges. Stop thinking about past fights and people who have wronged you. Let's face it, trash stinks and sometimes it makes you sick if you keeping consuming it!

Our animals teach us to be gentle and kind. They respond more favorably to praise and reward than yelling and scorn. My kids teach me the same thing. My family deserves a kind answer and soft spoken requests. Our animals need physical care, like a healthy diet, shelter and exercise. We need all same things. Animals teach us responsibility. I always tell newlyweds if they want to see what it is like to be a parent, get an animal first. My pets don't judge me or my actions, even when I make a mistake. I need to learn to not be so judgmental to those around me for I will be judged in the same manner.

One of the most awesome passage that comes to mind when I think about animals is found in Matthew 6:26. It says, "Look at the birds of the air, they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?" How awesome to think that when God made all the living creatures at the very beginning of time and was pleased with His work, we were His best work of all! Do you know why??? "So God created man in His own image, in the image of God he created him." Gen 1:27 You are more valuable to God than any other species because you were made in His image. Hold your heads up high! You are truly significant!

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