Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails. Prov. 19:21
In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps. Prov 16:9
So much about life is planning ahead. We teach our kids from a very young age about time management. We teach them about studying and doing a project ahead of time. We teach that graduating from high school and then college gives them a better opportunity for a good job in the future. We have day timers and blackberries, all to plan our days ahead.
So much has been written about saving for emergencies, saving for your 401K, saving for our children's college education, paying off debt, preparing for retirement. We spend much of our time and energy about investing and living within our means. We make plans for our kids with their sports and guide them for future opportunities. We buy car insurance in case of an accident, dental insurance planning for the day when our kids will get braces or as we age we come into major dental work, health insurance in case of hospital visits or major illnesses that one day may be facing us or our children. We are a society that plans for all kinds of crisis'.
Do you realize on a daily basis how many times we come across a speed bump in life? We write our to do list of all the projects we want to complete in a day. How many times do we finish it entirely without some crisis happening or things we consider minor interruptions occur? How many times in your life have you been saving for a vacation and your dishwasher, dryer, and a flat tire all happen in the same week? You are going away for the weekend and your kids come down with the flu. You are in a hurry to a lunch date and you get pulled over and get a huge ticket for going too fast. You have three appointments in a row lined up and your kids forget their homework and lunch and you have to rush and now you are late. It seems as if life rarely goes as we have planned. Is there any security in any of the preventive things that we plan for? Is there anything in life that is certain? Are we promised our health, our financial security or does our life just happen randomly with no control or anyone in control of our life?
My grandpa has had an awesome saying, "We will plan to do this or that, Lord willing". How profound a statement. God wants us to make plans. There is wisdom in having a plan for the future. I always say, if we aim at nothing we gain nothing. How do I really know that my plan is what the Lord would want for me? My favorite life verse is Proverbs 3:5-6. It says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding, acknowledge Him and He will direct your path."
Whenever Paul and I are to make a big decision, whether it is buying a car, house, moving, choice of schools for the kids, picking a church, anything that will greatly impact our life or the life of a good friend or family member, I always ask God to open or close the door. We almost never purchase a big ticket item on impulse. Paul is awesome at researching for an extended period of time. Usually when we decide quickly it is always a mistake. In time, God always sells what we are trying to buy or gives us an uneasiness that we should not proceed. We have missed opportunities and good deals along the way, but God has protected us over and over what might bring us to ruin in the future by not walking in front of Him. If you are married, listen to the opinion of your spouse. Often one has insight that the other might not have.
What if the decision is not God's will or what if we did what we thought we should do and had a peace and we lose our job or make a financial deal that costs us? People suffer all kinds of hardships, physically, emotionally, financially. James says, if any of you lacks wisdom He should ask God. This is how you should pray, Our Father who is in Heaven, hallowed by Your name, Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread...Matt 6:9-11. There is one place that I know is secure. God knows everything that is going to happen before it even occurs. God is in control of everything. If I lack anything and I ask in HIS name, especially when it comes to my physical needs, He says He will provide. If I ask Him to win the lottery, I don't think He will honor that. But if I ask Him for bread to feed my family, do I know He will provide? Absolutely!
We might suffer for a period of time without work, we might have to live with financial choices that might not have been the wisest and it takes time to recover. We might have to face sickness. But He promises us that He will never leave us or forsake us. There is a purpose for all of it, the good and the bad. One day, in the future, there will be no more disappointments or speed bumps. While we are here, He is with us, regardless of how many detours we may make.
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