Give us this day our daily bread...
I wonder on a given day, when people get in their cars to go to work, how many people tell God, Thank you for providing for the needs of our family through this job?
It dawned on me yesterday as I drove up to pick up my dry cleaning close to my house. I casually joked with the owner how he needed to take a day off. It seems as if he has been working a lot. I said, "you need to hire someone so you don't have to work so hard." His serious reply was, "things have changed. Life is hard for everyone now. Our business has taken a huge hit in the past year. People have cut corners everywhere, the dry cleaning business is just one more corner to be cut. Prior to last year, my pressers were working 40 hours shifts. Today if I am lucky, a good week for them is 30 hours."
There are few who have escaped the effects of the economy and most people's lives have been changed. So many people struggle to make ends meet, if they still have a job. My husband tells me when he comes home from work at times how people complain about how much they make, that it isn't enough, they need more. I think that is part of our human nature, that what we have isn't enough.
Our pastor has been doing a series on contentment the past few weeks. Yesterday was just one more living example of being content. For out of a heart of gratitude, results in contentment. Being thankful each day that my husband has a job and is willing to work for a living is another reason to Thank God.
Do you see the hand of God, providing for your daily needs through the work that you have been given? If you do, just say Thank you. He is faithful, kind and merciful in providing for us!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Friday, October 12, 2012
What is the Purpose of Church?
I have been pondering this question for months...
I find so many people attend church today for so many different reasons. Some attend to find friends, others attend to find a spouse. Some people go to church because they have been through emotional trauma; a divorce, loss of loved one, loss of job. Some go to church to find business contacts. Some attend church because they are in a new business venture and need to add people to their tiers.
Some attend church as part of a ritual. Some people were raised going to church and it is the thing to do. Others feel that somehow attending church will add to their list of good works. Some parents feel that their children need a moral compass and think that maybe they can find it by sending their kids to a study or a church service. Some like to be entertained. They like music and know where they can find a good play or musical at Christmas or Easter. Some people come to church as part of a holiday routine, twice a year, they will do it.
There are all kinds of churches to choose from. Some are very contemporary with videos and a rock band. Some are small and personal and others are huge and one can just quickly slip in after the music starts, sit in the back row without being noticed and slide out just as quickly as they came in without saying a word to anyone. Some have been started by famous sports players. Others can provide your kids with the latest and greatest entertainment, just like home they can play the WII. Others offer entertainment for the whole family at the same time. We have become a society that wants to hear a message in byte size forms, and it has to be hip and current. Churches provide book stores and coffee shops and any kind of program you are looking for; singles, AA groups, MOMS groups, sports teams and Game nights. While all these things are good, what purpose are they providing? If they exist to point others to Jesus, bring it on. But if He isn't even mentioned then what purpose do they serve?
It is the same coast to coast, even in the midwest, churches are popping up everywhere providing what I am describing. With all the newness, current vibes blending in with today's culture one question comes to mind...
Where is Jesus?
Churches provide messages about self-help and positive thinking, talks are based on the latest and greatest new book and philosophies that have just hit the printing presses. Bible studies for the kids are based on character traits just like they teach in the public schools. Bible studies and small groups talk about how you can have a better self image and reinvent yourself, healing all of your past woes. Groups are filled with I believe, In my opinion and I feel. Where is Jesus?
Scripture or the Bible is summarized from Summarized Versions, all in reaching the most unknowledgeable or newest person off the street. There is need for that don't get me wrong, but what about the times, when not even a Scripture is read in its full context and at times not even mentioned at all. Where are Jesus' words?
Some of you may not like what I am saying at all, but I have to say, quite simply that sometimes I feel like standing up and saying, is there anyone at all any more who feels like I do? Where are the people who love the Bible? Where are the people that read it on a daily basis? I hear people say, I don't even know what the purpose of reading the bible is... I wonder how many people who attend church feel that way? I wonder if you took an honest survey from every person in every congregation and you asked them why are they at church, I wonder what they would say?
For those of us who still believe in the words sin, I am THE WAY, THE TRUTH and THE LIFE, consequences and judgment knowing there is only ONE way, we are considered fundalmentalists, traditionalists. At times, pastors believe they need to be politically correct and choose their words wisely, so that no one will be offended by the truth.
I wonder if Jesus walked into churches across America, or small groups, or even Sunday Schools, if you can find any left, what would Jesus think or say? Would He say, Where am I in these discussions? Does anyone read my words any more? Does anyone still believe that I am the only way? Does anyone still live by Scripture?
As I get older I realize, time is dwindling away. Many people are going to be blown and tossed by the wind. Their spiritual roots are growing very shallow because they are not firmly planted in their knowledge of Jesus, they don't know much about God and who He is, and they know even less about what the Bible says or even where to find anything.
Our pastor says each Sunday, church is to turn our hearts and minds toward God. I believe that statement is correct. Church is also to gather with other believers and to serve others with no strings attached. The real question comes, when people get there, Where is Jesus??
I find so many people attend church today for so many different reasons. Some attend to find friends, others attend to find a spouse. Some people go to church because they have been through emotional trauma; a divorce, loss of loved one, loss of job. Some go to church to find business contacts. Some attend church because they are in a new business venture and need to add people to their tiers.
Some attend church as part of a ritual. Some people were raised going to church and it is the thing to do. Others feel that somehow attending church will add to their list of good works. Some parents feel that their children need a moral compass and think that maybe they can find it by sending their kids to a study or a church service. Some like to be entertained. They like music and know where they can find a good play or musical at Christmas or Easter. Some people come to church as part of a holiday routine, twice a year, they will do it.
There are all kinds of churches to choose from. Some are very contemporary with videos and a rock band. Some are small and personal and others are huge and one can just quickly slip in after the music starts, sit in the back row without being noticed and slide out just as quickly as they came in without saying a word to anyone. Some have been started by famous sports players. Others can provide your kids with the latest and greatest entertainment, just like home they can play the WII. Others offer entertainment for the whole family at the same time. We have become a society that wants to hear a message in byte size forms, and it has to be hip and current. Churches provide book stores and coffee shops and any kind of program you are looking for; singles, AA groups, MOMS groups, sports teams and Game nights. While all these things are good, what purpose are they providing? If they exist to point others to Jesus, bring it on. But if He isn't even mentioned then what purpose do they serve?
It is the same coast to coast, even in the midwest, churches are popping up everywhere providing what I am describing. With all the newness, current vibes blending in with today's culture one question comes to mind...
Where is Jesus?
Churches provide messages about self-help and positive thinking, talks are based on the latest and greatest new book and philosophies that have just hit the printing presses. Bible studies for the kids are based on character traits just like they teach in the public schools. Bible studies and small groups talk about how you can have a better self image and reinvent yourself, healing all of your past woes. Groups are filled with I believe, In my opinion and I feel. Where is Jesus?
Scripture or the Bible is summarized from Summarized Versions, all in reaching the most unknowledgeable or newest person off the street. There is need for that don't get me wrong, but what about the times, when not even a Scripture is read in its full context and at times not even mentioned at all. Where are Jesus' words?
Some of you may not like what I am saying at all, but I have to say, quite simply that sometimes I feel like standing up and saying, is there anyone at all any more who feels like I do? Where are the people who love the Bible? Where are the people that read it on a daily basis? I hear people say, I don't even know what the purpose of reading the bible is... I wonder how many people who attend church feel that way? I wonder if you took an honest survey from every person in every congregation and you asked them why are they at church, I wonder what they would say?
For those of us who still believe in the words sin, I am THE WAY, THE TRUTH and THE LIFE, consequences and judgment knowing there is only ONE way, we are considered fundalmentalists, traditionalists. At times, pastors believe they need to be politically correct and choose their words wisely, so that no one will be offended by the truth.
I wonder if Jesus walked into churches across America, or small groups, or even Sunday Schools, if you can find any left, what would Jesus think or say? Would He say, Where am I in these discussions? Does anyone read my words any more? Does anyone still believe that I am the only way? Does anyone still live by Scripture?
As I get older I realize, time is dwindling away. Many people are going to be blown and tossed by the wind. Their spiritual roots are growing very shallow because they are not firmly planted in their knowledge of Jesus, they don't know much about God and who He is, and they know even less about what the Bible says or even where to find anything.
Our pastor says each Sunday, church is to turn our hearts and minds toward God. I believe that statement is correct. Church is also to gather with other believers and to serve others with no strings attached. The real question comes, when people get there, Where is Jesus??
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Less than Perfect
Tonight our topic in our youth group was, why is it that we feel we need to be perfect? Even more applicable to us, why do Christians feel they have to wear the persona of being perfect?
I have thought about this question so many times in my life. I even thought of a title for a book; for it was my childhood story "Voices from Inside the Glass House". Being a daughter of a pastor, I felt as if all eyes were on me. From a young age, people noticed if I ran in church, was talking or passed notes to my friends during a service.
My list of rules were longer than my daughter's hair. Some would say, I lived through legalism. For those of you who don't know what legalism is, it is a set of rules created by men as part of a religion. They could be don't go to movies, don't go to dances, don't ever drink alchohol. For some, this will be hard to read and understand. Fear was my guide for living and abiding by the list of rules. Today I understand rules from a different perspective which I will talk about later on, however then all I knew was that if I didn't abide by "all the rules" that I would be a bad reflection on my dad and his place in the church. Was this just my perception, that all eyes were on me? Not hardly! Many people put my dad and everyone who lived under his roof under the same microscope waiting for one of us to make a mistake.
I learned to wear a false sense that everything in my world was perfect, that I never made mistakes and neither did my parents. However, it was so hard to wear the mask and hide behind the phisod, I wanted to break free. I used to have a recurring dream that I was a bird, flying high over the city where I could see everything from very high heights. I was free. I think it was a representation that I truly disliked living a glass house. It wasn't a life that I had chosen, I was born into the glass house on display for all to see. I played the part well. I attended all the wedding showers, baby showers, weddings with my parents, playing the grown up child. Outwardly I followed all the rules and inwardly, I couldn't wait to escape the glass house. My prayer was that God wouldn't make me marry a pastor or missionary to force me to live and raise children back in the glass house.
It started to make me think that God was watching my every move too like every other human being, waiting for me to make one wrong move. If I was a good child, He would love me. If I made a mistake, then I would have to work hard to earn His love and trust back. It took me until I was 35 to accept the fact that I didn't have to do one single thing to earn the love of the Heavenly Father. He loves me unconditionally no matter what I say or do. He isn't mankind, giving bars of performance that I have to reach to gain His love. I don't have to say the right things all the time or follow every single rule perfectly to gain His approval.
In essence I felt that I had to live perfectly to gain approval of man. I learned to live life to please others. I wasn't following the rules out of love and respect for God, I was following the rules out of respect for my family or how we would viewed.
The Bible says there is no one righteous (right with God), no not one. We all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God. This is so freeing to know and believe that every human being on earth is not perfect. We ALL make mistakes. Whether we are a student, or a teacher, parent or a child, grandparent, young or old, as long as we are breathing, on a daily basis, we will all continue to make mistakes. Having said that, it means that we all need to extend grace to others in their moments of humanness. Not one of us can stand on the outside of the glass house looking in on the life of another and think that we have the right to put their life under a microscope.
Today I read the Bible and there are many commandments that Jesus gave us like Do not Steal, Do not murder, Do not commit adultery. They are not just a list of rules. There are natural consequences to the commands. Some consequences cause us to suffer personally, others do damage to those around us. The rules were not created to keep us from fun, they were for our protection and protection of those around us. These are not rules that I nor my pastor made up, they are God's commandments. I have personally seen the consequences and the lives are destroyed by some choosing to break these commandments. There is still forgiveness even in making mistakes that I have spoken of. God says if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins.
I always tell my kids that I will love them no matter what they say or do. Sometimes they challenge that statement, but in the end, regardless of their actions, they are still my child. God feels the same way about us. He knows that we are going to make wrong choices and break His commandments from time to time, yet He still loves me anyways!
I have thought about this question so many times in my life. I even thought of a title for a book; for it was my childhood story "Voices from Inside the Glass House". Being a daughter of a pastor, I felt as if all eyes were on me. From a young age, people noticed if I ran in church, was talking or passed notes to my friends during a service.
My list of rules were longer than my daughter's hair. Some would say, I lived through legalism. For those of you who don't know what legalism is, it is a set of rules created by men as part of a religion. They could be don't go to movies, don't go to dances, don't ever drink alchohol. For some, this will be hard to read and understand. Fear was my guide for living and abiding by the list of rules. Today I understand rules from a different perspective which I will talk about later on, however then all I knew was that if I didn't abide by "all the rules" that I would be a bad reflection on my dad and his place in the church. Was this just my perception, that all eyes were on me? Not hardly! Many people put my dad and everyone who lived under his roof under the same microscope waiting for one of us to make a mistake.
I learned to wear a false sense that everything in my world was perfect, that I never made mistakes and neither did my parents. However, it was so hard to wear the mask and hide behind the phisod, I wanted to break free. I used to have a recurring dream that I was a bird, flying high over the city where I could see everything from very high heights. I was free. I think it was a representation that I truly disliked living a glass house. It wasn't a life that I had chosen, I was born into the glass house on display for all to see. I played the part well. I attended all the wedding showers, baby showers, weddings with my parents, playing the grown up child. Outwardly I followed all the rules and inwardly, I couldn't wait to escape the glass house. My prayer was that God wouldn't make me marry a pastor or missionary to force me to live and raise children back in the glass house.
It started to make me think that God was watching my every move too like every other human being, waiting for me to make one wrong move. If I was a good child, He would love me. If I made a mistake, then I would have to work hard to earn His love and trust back. It took me until I was 35 to accept the fact that I didn't have to do one single thing to earn the love of the Heavenly Father. He loves me unconditionally no matter what I say or do. He isn't mankind, giving bars of performance that I have to reach to gain His love. I don't have to say the right things all the time or follow every single rule perfectly to gain His approval.
In essence I felt that I had to live perfectly to gain approval of man. I learned to live life to please others. I wasn't following the rules out of love and respect for God, I was following the rules out of respect for my family or how we would viewed.
The Bible says there is no one righteous (right with God), no not one. We all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God. This is so freeing to know and believe that every human being on earth is not perfect. We ALL make mistakes. Whether we are a student, or a teacher, parent or a child, grandparent, young or old, as long as we are breathing, on a daily basis, we will all continue to make mistakes. Having said that, it means that we all need to extend grace to others in their moments of humanness. Not one of us can stand on the outside of the glass house looking in on the life of another and think that we have the right to put their life under a microscope.
Today I read the Bible and there are many commandments that Jesus gave us like Do not Steal, Do not murder, Do not commit adultery. They are not just a list of rules. There are natural consequences to the commands. Some consequences cause us to suffer personally, others do damage to those around us. The rules were not created to keep us from fun, they were for our protection and protection of those around us. These are not rules that I nor my pastor made up, they are God's commandments. I have personally seen the consequences and the lives are destroyed by some choosing to break these commandments. There is still forgiveness even in making mistakes that I have spoken of. God says if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins.
I always tell my kids that I will love them no matter what they say or do. Sometimes they challenge that statement, but in the end, regardless of their actions, they are still my child. God feels the same way about us. He knows that we are going to make wrong choices and break His commandments from time to time, yet He still loves me anyways!
God died in our place, gave us grace and mercy for our weaknesses when we didn't deserve it, why are we not able to do the same with others?
Monday, September 10, 2012
I've always been told that I am so serious. At times I wish I could be the life of the party like Dylan, my son. He is always cracking jokes, looking for an adventure, waiting for the opportunity to have a party. He doesn't take much in life seriously.
I am always deep in thought even when I sleep. I look back through my posts and see that few of them are less than serious. I don't read fiction or magazines that are trivial for the most part. When I read, it is for a specific purpose; a parenting book, a marriage book, a spiritual growth book, a devotional book, the Bible. I do read the news on the internet, however that is depressing and futile at best. If you want to make yourself depressed, read the news. I figure it is better than watching reruns of the same thing over and over. It is important that I stay current and know what is going on around me but I don't want to be consumed with the media's twisted perspective on the most current political debate.
I look around and see that most of what happens in life is serious. People around me are getting laid off, changing jobs, going for medical testing, getting cancer treatments, taking their child to emergency for stitches, or sitting in the hospital with their child fighting pneumonia. Life happens!
Do you ever wish you could go back in time, free from responsibilities, free from wondering when the next event will happen? Life experiences dampers the carefree life of our past. I wish at times I could be carefree, yet at the beginning of the year I asked God to teach me what it meant to love my neighbor as myself. Loving means sharing in the lives of others.
Ecclesiastes Chapter 3 Says it all:
I am always deep in thought even when I sleep. I look back through my posts and see that few of them are less than serious. I don't read fiction or magazines that are trivial for the most part. When I read, it is for a specific purpose; a parenting book, a marriage book, a spiritual growth book, a devotional book, the Bible. I do read the news on the internet, however that is depressing and futile at best. If you want to make yourself depressed, read the news. I figure it is better than watching reruns of the same thing over and over. It is important that I stay current and know what is going on around me but I don't want to be consumed with the media's twisted perspective on the most current political debate.
I look around and see that most of what happens in life is serious. People around me are getting laid off, changing jobs, going for medical testing, getting cancer treatments, taking their child to emergency for stitches, or sitting in the hospital with their child fighting pneumonia. Life happens!
Do you ever wish you could go back in time, free from responsibilities, free from wondering when the next event will happen? Life experiences dampers the carefree life of our past. I wish at times I could be carefree, yet at the beginning of the year I asked God to teach me what it meant to love my neighbor as myself. Loving means sharing in the lives of others.
Ecclesiastes Chapter 3 Says it all:
A Time for Everything
3 There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens:
and a season for every activity under the heavens:
2 a time to be born and a time to die
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
3 a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
4 a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
5 a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
6 a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
7 a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
8 a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.
10 I have seen the burden God has laid on the human race. 12 I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live.
If you read many of these verses they are serious. While God created me to be serious and have a compassionate heart for others, I'm thinking I need to take some lessons from my son and lighten up. Maybe I need to learn how to dance...
Monday, August 27, 2012
New Motivation
There are times when I struggle to do the things I know I should. There are some who love to exercise. I've been trying to find things I love to become more healthy. In the past I have found the simplest excuses, avoiding what I know that I should do.
Until today...
We live in the epicenter of bike riders. On a daily basis I see teams of riders, pairs of riders, old and young. We live in the center of their ride. In the morning, on the way to school I see riders. Doing errands during the day I see riders. After school and into the early evening, everywhere I go I see those who ride. It has become a common sight for us to see many who have the passion for riding. This morning was no different. Until I saw an unusual sight, one I have NEVER seen before.
Driving toward home I saw a pair of riders, two older gentlemen. As I approached them though, I noticed that the rider in front was leaning heavily on his handlebars to the right. I thought that was slightly odd until I came up upon him. I noticed that he was pedaling twice as fast as the gentleman behind him. He was pedaling that fast because he only had his left leg. How can he do that, crossed my mind, HE IS ONLY RIDING WITH ONE LEG!
I haven't been able to get him out of my mind. I came to the computer without hesitation for I don't want to leave this post unforgotten. This man has CHOSEN to overcome his obstacles and has decided to make no excuses even though he has one. He is choosing to choose life and health. Although I don't know what led him to this place, I see that he is living his life to its fullest and is choosing to work out. Even better, he was doing it with a friend who had his back. He was riding behind him, riding with him on his journey, being a companion and there for him should anything happen.
It truly made me think how blessed I am with health and two legs. There are no excuses good enough. The only thing that separates me from being the best I can be is me! One picture, changes everything! I don't think I will ever forget that word picture. That is how God speaks to me. Through pictures, He teaches me concepts I can understand and won't forget. While that man will never know how he inspired me today, God used Him greatly in my life to have the motivation to move beyond feelings and do what needs to be done!
Until today...
We live in the epicenter of bike riders. On a daily basis I see teams of riders, pairs of riders, old and young. We live in the center of their ride. In the morning, on the way to school I see riders. Doing errands during the day I see riders. After school and into the early evening, everywhere I go I see those who ride. It has become a common sight for us to see many who have the passion for riding. This morning was no different. Until I saw an unusual sight, one I have NEVER seen before.
Driving toward home I saw a pair of riders, two older gentlemen. As I approached them though, I noticed that the rider in front was leaning heavily on his handlebars to the right. I thought that was slightly odd until I came up upon him. I noticed that he was pedaling twice as fast as the gentleman behind him. He was pedaling that fast because he only had his left leg. How can he do that, crossed my mind, HE IS ONLY RIDING WITH ONE LEG!
I haven't been able to get him out of my mind. I came to the computer without hesitation for I don't want to leave this post unforgotten. This man has CHOSEN to overcome his obstacles and has decided to make no excuses even though he has one. He is choosing to choose life and health. Although I don't know what led him to this place, I see that he is living his life to its fullest and is choosing to work out. Even better, he was doing it with a friend who had his back. He was riding behind him, riding with him on his journey, being a companion and there for him should anything happen.
It truly made me think how blessed I am with health and two legs. There are no excuses good enough. The only thing that separates me from being the best I can be is me! One picture, changes everything! I don't think I will ever forget that word picture. That is how God speaks to me. Through pictures, He teaches me concepts I can understand and won't forget. While that man will never know how he inspired me today, God used Him greatly in my life to have the motivation to move beyond feelings and do what needs to be done!
Friday, August 24, 2012
Two are Better Than One
He comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. II Corinthians 2:4
Each day I see posts of things that people are going through on a daily basis. I have three friends who are battling cancer. One friend is pregnant for her very first time. A teenager is struggling with mean friends. A friend goes through the aftermath of divorce, trying to live life as a single mom. Scores of other people are struggling in their marriage. A few struggle with infertility and so desire to be parents. Some couples are dealing with caring for aging parents.
What if all of these people had to go through life alone? How hard is it to walk through life without someone to share lifes ups and downs with? Isn't it better to share our joys and struggles with a spouse, a friend or family member. God says that we go through struggles in life so that we can give comfort to those who walk behind us. We don't have to live life alone, He created us to be in community with others. While God is the true source for comfort, it is also a blessing to hear the words from another human being " I understand, while my journey is not exactly like yours I understand some of your feelings." There is great healing in being affirmed by someone else.
The next time you think you are alone, remember that God is always there, He has promised to never leave or forsake us. Furthermore, He has placed many people around us to share life with us. It is true,
two are better than one!
Each day I see posts of things that people are going through on a daily basis. I have three friends who are battling cancer. One friend is pregnant for her very first time. A teenager is struggling with mean friends. A friend goes through the aftermath of divorce, trying to live life as a single mom. Scores of other people are struggling in their marriage. A few struggle with infertility and so desire to be parents. Some couples are dealing with caring for aging parents.
The next time you think you are alone, remember that God is always there, He has promised to never leave or forsake us. Furthermore, He has placed many people around us to share life with us. It is true,
two are better than one!
Sunday, August 19, 2012
I usually post on an upbeat note. However, this past week I haven't felt so upbeat. It's not a normal place for me to be really. Most of those who know me well, know that this is out of the ordinary. I've pondered a lot this week and realized some things.
Traveling to the Dominican, seeing some big changes in others and then coming back to the ordinary, the mundane, feeling torn between being overly blessed and back into the reality of every day life, I see things differently. I saw life there in its simplicity, I saw life without things. I experienced community and traded it for technology and the life of solitude, life behind bright screens. It truly isn't the same as being surrounded by others.
I also know that after "mountain top experiences" we are often hit with trials and tribulations. I think the enemy wants to see if the changes that we experienced are for real or if we will just crumble and become like we were before. He often replaces joy with depression, health with sickness, community with separation.
Walking life with Christ is peaks and valleys. This week when I looked around, I remembered Ecclesiastes. Solomon talked about having grand houses, material wealth, power and prestige. And then one day he looked around and saw that it all amounted to nothing, it was worthless. I've tried all week to pull myself out of the funk, all to no avail. Maybe He wants me to stay here for a little while and just sit still.
I HATE sitting still, I'm not very good at it. In the past, I have not shared or been transparent, when I visit these valleys. It is far better to give everyone the appearance that every one's life is perfect, without dark days or days of doubt. But there is not a soul that doesn't go here, valleys are for every human. Some of us stay for a day or two, others stay for months, yet others battle with the valleys for a lifetime. It is real and I think Satan loves for us to visit this place alone.
I sensed tonight that God wanted me to share this valley. Someone along the way will read this and know that they are not alone. It is a human condition to feel blue. There are so many life experiences that cause one to feel down or depressed. Sometimes we can't even acknowledge what brings us to this place.
I used to question where God was in the valley, why I couldn't feel His presence. Why He wouldn't reveal Himself to me when I truly needed to feel Him near. I truly battled with that for years until last year I finally figured out that I never see Him in the darkness. He wants me to trust that He is there even though I can't see or feel Him. He has NEVER revealed Himself until after I come through the tunnel, however long I might be in there. On the other side I always see Him, like in a rainbow which He has shown me several times. I don't know how long I will stay in the valley, I guess that is only for Him to decide. I know who is responsible for casting the trials upon me and I know that God has allowed them to change something in me. Although I can't see the big picture, I know that He still loves me and will reveal Himself to me on the other side of the fog. Until then, I trust that He knows what is best for me and I will try to do my best to be still and wait...
P.S. This was my nightly reading...
Since you are part of My royal must share my suffering if you are to share My glory. You don't need to search for ways to suffer. Living in this broken world provides ample opportunity to experience pain of many kinds. When adversity comes your way, search for Me in the midst of your struggles. Ask Me to help you suffer well, in a manner worthy of royalty. Everything you endure can help you become more like Me. Remember the ultimate goal: You will see My face in righteousness and be satisfied.
Traveling to the Dominican, seeing some big changes in others and then coming back to the ordinary, the mundane, feeling torn between being overly blessed and back into the reality of every day life, I see things differently. I saw life there in its simplicity, I saw life without things. I experienced community and traded it for technology and the life of solitude, life behind bright screens. It truly isn't the same as being surrounded by others.
I also know that after "mountain top experiences" we are often hit with trials and tribulations. I think the enemy wants to see if the changes that we experienced are for real or if we will just crumble and become like we were before. He often replaces joy with depression, health with sickness, community with separation.
Walking life with Christ is peaks and valleys. This week when I looked around, I remembered Ecclesiastes. Solomon talked about having grand houses, material wealth, power and prestige. And then one day he looked around and saw that it all amounted to nothing, it was worthless. I've tried all week to pull myself out of the funk, all to no avail. Maybe He wants me to stay here for a little while and just sit still.
I HATE sitting still, I'm not very good at it. In the past, I have not shared or been transparent, when I visit these valleys. It is far better to give everyone the appearance that every one's life is perfect, without dark days or days of doubt. But there is not a soul that doesn't go here, valleys are for every human. Some of us stay for a day or two, others stay for months, yet others battle with the valleys for a lifetime. It is real and I think Satan loves for us to visit this place alone.
I sensed tonight that God wanted me to share this valley. Someone along the way will read this and know that they are not alone. It is a human condition to feel blue. There are so many life experiences that cause one to feel down or depressed. Sometimes we can't even acknowledge what brings us to this place.
I used to question where God was in the valley, why I couldn't feel His presence. Why He wouldn't reveal Himself to me when I truly needed to feel Him near. I truly battled with that for years until last year I finally figured out that I never see Him in the darkness. He wants me to trust that He is there even though I can't see or feel Him. He has NEVER revealed Himself until after I come through the tunnel, however long I might be in there. On the other side I always see Him, like in a rainbow which He has shown me several times. I don't know how long I will stay in the valley, I guess that is only for Him to decide. I know who is responsible for casting the trials upon me and I know that God has allowed them to change something in me. Although I can't see the big picture, I know that He still loves me and will reveal Himself to me on the other side of the fog. Until then, I trust that He knows what is best for me and I will try to do my best to be still and wait...
P.S. This was my nightly reading...
Since you are part of My royal must share my suffering if you are to share My glory. You don't need to search for ways to suffer. Living in this broken world provides ample opportunity to experience pain of many kinds. When adversity comes your way, search for Me in the midst of your struggles. Ask Me to help you suffer well, in a manner worthy of royalty. Everything you endure can help you become more like Me. Remember the ultimate goal: You will see My face in righteousness and be satisfied.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Finishing What I Started
Reflections from the Dominican - Final Observations
He who began a good work in you will complete it! Phil. 1:6
I began journaling about our trip, the Monday when we arrived, July 23. I have been writing ever since. I filled an entire book, complete with pictures to go with my words. Someone had given me the journal, a while back. On the outside cover it fittingly says "Faith". I started writing some observations about scripture a while back, but only filled a few pages. I grabbed it on my way out before we left for our trip. It has taken me more than two weeks to process through our journey there. Last night, I finally finished it. Some may ask the question why I was so intentional and deliberate in recording my thoughts and observations.
I think part of why it is so important is that through the years we forget. I don't want to ever forget the people that went with us or the people that we lived with and served alongside of like Carlos, our Food for the Hungry liason and our interpreters who we worked with, ate with, played games with.
It is strange to think that 28 people can leave for a trip and you barely know the person's name. But in 7 days, it feels like they are family. I almost wish that we would have had some more days because I felt like we were only scratching the surface of "knowing" those that we grew to love and appreciate. Everyone had unique skills and talents and yet, everyone was needed to do a different job. When we learn to appreciate each person for their uniqueness, a unity takes place because everyone is striving to accomplish the same purpose.
While the trip had it's personal peaks and valleys, all in all, I felt God's presence with us and could sense that we had fulfilled His purpose for us being there. While I'm not sure how big of a difference I personally made, I truly felt that I received more than I had given. I also watched everyone in my family being stretched out of their comfort zones and they were all very successful in the tasks that they were given. I guess you could say that we are very proud parents and I can honestly say how blessed I felt that I was "serving alongside" of my husband. There is something to be said about strengthening bonds when you do things as a team. Although there were not many quiet or private moments to be with each other as a family, it was an awesome experience to be able to take a trip like that as a family unit. I saw God work in each of our lives, one seed at a time. While we don't know what kind of return on our investment that we will see in the future, personally, as a family, or in the community that we dwell in Scottsdale or in the Dominican Community, it is only God's to decide. He called us, we showed up and we did what He asked.
I think it was fitting to record our journey in "Faith". Because in looking back, it sums up that chapter of my life and I can live in the present and plan for the future. Going to the Dominican built my faith, by seeing new seeds planted, watching others grow and waiting for others to plant seeds for the next generation behind them. Until next year, continuing our mission in Sierra Prieta. I can't wait for the continued saga to return! God truly does more than we could ever imagine or ask for!
He who began a good work in you will complete it! Phil. 1:6
I began journaling about our trip, the Monday when we arrived, July 23. I have been writing ever since. I filled an entire book, complete with pictures to go with my words. Someone had given me the journal, a while back. On the outside cover it fittingly says "Faith". I started writing some observations about scripture a while back, but only filled a few pages. I grabbed it on my way out before we left for our trip. It has taken me more than two weeks to process through our journey there. Last night, I finally finished it. Some may ask the question why I was so intentional and deliberate in recording my thoughts and observations.
I think part of why it is so important is that through the years we forget. I don't want to ever forget the people that went with us or the people that we lived with and served alongside of like Carlos, our Food for the Hungry liason and our interpreters who we worked with, ate with, played games with.
It is strange to think that 28 people can leave for a trip and you barely know the person's name. But in 7 days, it feels like they are family. I almost wish that we would have had some more days because I felt like we were only scratching the surface of "knowing" those that we grew to love and appreciate. Everyone had unique skills and talents and yet, everyone was needed to do a different job. When we learn to appreciate each person for their uniqueness, a unity takes place because everyone is striving to accomplish the same purpose.
While the trip had it's personal peaks and valleys, all in all, I felt God's presence with us and could sense that we had fulfilled His purpose for us being there. While I'm not sure how big of a difference I personally made, I truly felt that I received more than I had given. I also watched everyone in my family being stretched out of their comfort zones and they were all very successful in the tasks that they were given. I guess you could say that we are very proud parents and I can honestly say how blessed I felt that I was "serving alongside" of my husband. There is something to be said about strengthening bonds when you do things as a team. Although there were not many quiet or private moments to be with each other as a family, it was an awesome experience to be able to take a trip like that as a family unit. I saw God work in each of our lives, one seed at a time. While we don't know what kind of return on our investment that we will see in the future, personally, as a family, or in the community that we dwell in Scottsdale or in the Dominican Community, it is only God's to decide. He called us, we showed up and we did what He asked.
I think it was fitting to record our journey in "Faith". Because in looking back, it sums up that chapter of my life and I can live in the present and plan for the future. Going to the Dominican built my faith, by seeing new seeds planted, watching others grow and waiting for others to plant seeds for the next generation behind them. Until next year, continuing our mission in Sierra Prieta. I can't wait for the continued saga to return! God truly does more than we could ever imagine or ask for!
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Reflections from the Dominican Republic - Part 5
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. II Corinthians 5:17It was our theme for the week in the Dominican working with the kids. Our stories talked about people who had lived a questionable life before they met Jesus and once they understood his love, everything about them changed.
It was my prayer for everyone in the community whose lives we touched, and each one of our team that when we came home, our life would be transformed! When I talk about transformation, I don't say it in a sense, that we would come away wanting to do more community service. There are so many organizations, even companies, schools and websites asking for people to "do good". What I am talking about is not "doing more." When I ponder transformation, I think of one family in our village.
Last year, this family lived in what seemed an impossible situation, unloving for everyone who lived in this house. To them, it seemed that there was no hope. If you looked from the outside in, they lived in darkness. Food for the Hungry, family and friends surrounded them and the family was redeemed and rescued from a family member. After this, Food for the Hungry built this family a new home.
I had the honor of visiting this family with a very dear friend. I didn't see this family last summer, but my friend has a standing relationship with the daughters. The house was beautiful, bright and airy. It was spotless with the most beautiful flower garden in front. Seven varieties of butterflies were flying from one plant to the next. Her yard was also filled with beautiful fruit and plants, which is uncommon in this village. What I witnessed was the fruit of a complete transformation. This family was a perfect picture of what happens when one comes to Christ. They are redeemed from their darkness and they were filled with peace and joy. I felt God's presence in this house and saw the light in each member of the family!
God began a great work in our team. Some saw God and His love through mankind like they have never seen before. Sometimes God has to strip everything away, bringing us back to the basics, for us to hear His voice and see Him. Only God can draw us to Himself. We cannot bring change in the life of another human being. All He asks of us is to show up when He calls us, have a heart full of love and available hands to do whatever He asks to be Jesus in the flesh. While we felt called to go, God taught us more through the beautiful people of Sierra Prieta than we gave to them. Indeed, our lives will never be the same.
Monday, August 6, 2012
What is Poverty?
Reflections of the Dominican Republic - Part 4
"There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children." Nelson, Mandela
Psalm 140:12 “I know that the LORD secures justice for the poor and upholds the cause of the needy.”
There are over 300 verses in Scripture about what God thinks about the poor and needy. 300 is a huge number! It only says to me how great is His compassion for those who are in need. If it is that important to Him, it must be that important to us.
The question that I wrestled with this past week while I've been home is, what is being poor? One definition that I found was as follows: the state or condition of having little or no money, goods, or means of support; condition of being poor.
We often think of poverty in the sense of material things, the state of one's home, their clothing, transportation, education level. We link poverty to "having" little and then we compare it to our living conditions. When we visit a place like Sierra Prietta, it is easy to see poverty. With no running water, limited electricity, no flushable toilets, no air conditioning or showers, we see what little they have.
Poverty goes beyond material wealth. The last part of the definition said condition of being poor. Could it be that each person is needy in some manner? I've heard it said that being poor is a mindset. The people of Sierra Prietta were by no means "poor in spirit". It was quite the opposite. They stood and walked with heads held high, shoulders back, walking with dignity and grace. They may have been without a lot of things that we can say that we have, however they still had a roof over their heads, food on the table, although it by no means measured to what we have. In fact, most of them eat one meal a day and their children are still hungry. There are many places in the world that don't have even that. Unfortunately, we even have families without meals in the United States. Hunger in any country should not exist. I've heard it said it is because of the greed of a few.
Health care is another noticable indicator of poverty. I noticed in one family that there were two babies, both under the age of a year, cousins, I think the mothers were. I began to think that there are girls getting pregnant there under the age of 20, just like in the US. While some are not married and there are needs associated with that, I started thinking about when those babies are born. The nearest medical care is more than 50 minutes away. Medical care in Sierra Prieta is almost non-existent. That means that the older women must help these young women in labor. It is a sheer miracle that without clean water, sterilized equipment or a clean bed or sterilized clothes to put the newborn in, it is amazing that both mother and child survive in that environment.
But that got me thinking, here in the US. we go to the hospital for the most part with our husbands or a chosen few, having the child in the presence of strangers; doctors and nurses. Throughout the experience, we are mostly alone. There, in birth and death, one is always surrounded by community. While we have many material things, we often lack relationships, with our family, and with our friends. They are poor in stuff, rich in relationship.
There are over 300 verses in Scripture about what God thinks about the poor and needy. 300 is a huge number! It only says to me how great is His compassion for those who are in need. If it is that important to Him, it must be that important to us.
The question that I wrestled with this past week while I've been home is, what is being poor? One definition that I found was as follows: the state or condition of having little or no money, goods, or means of support; condition of being poor.
We often think of poverty in the sense of material things, the state of one's home, their clothing, transportation, education level. We link poverty to "having" little and then we compare it to our living conditions. When we visit a place like Sierra Prietta, it is easy to see poverty. With no running water, limited electricity, no flushable toilets, no air conditioning or showers, we see what little they have.
Poverty goes beyond material wealth. The last part of the definition said condition of being poor. Could it be that each person is needy in some manner? I've heard it said that being poor is a mindset. The people of Sierra Prietta were by no means "poor in spirit". It was quite the opposite. They stood and walked with heads held high, shoulders back, walking with dignity and grace. They may have been without a lot of things that we can say that we have, however they still had a roof over their heads, food on the table, although it by no means measured to what we have. In fact, most of them eat one meal a day and their children are still hungry. There are many places in the world that don't have even that. Unfortunately, we even have families without meals in the United States. Hunger in any country should not exist. I've heard it said it is because of the greed of a few.
Health care is another noticable indicator of poverty. I noticed in one family that there were two babies, both under the age of a year, cousins, I think the mothers were. I began to think that there are girls getting pregnant there under the age of 20, just like in the US. While some are not married and there are needs associated with that, I started thinking about when those babies are born. The nearest medical care is more than 50 minutes away. Medical care in Sierra Prieta is almost non-existent. That means that the older women must help these young women in labor. It is a sheer miracle that without clean water, sterilized equipment or a clean bed or sterilized clothes to put the newborn in, it is amazing that both mother and child survive in that environment.
But that got me thinking, here in the US. we go to the hospital for the most part with our husbands or a chosen few, having the child in the presence of strangers; doctors and nurses. Throughout the experience, we are mostly alone. There, in birth and death, one is always surrounded by community. While we have many material things, we often lack relationships, with our family, and with our friends. They are poor in stuff, rich in relationship.
After the fall of man, no matter where you live, we all are need and lack something. So the question I have been asking myself is not, how can we "fix" all of what they lack, but where do I have poverty in my own soul? For many outside of relationship with others, they lack relationship with our heavenly Father. In the New Testament, a rich man asked Jesus how could he get into heaven. Jesus' response was to leave everything behind. Are we so focused on our things, that our things begin to own us? Things occupy our time, and our energy. My mind goes back to the family that Paul and his friends were building a house for. His most prized possession in his house were the pictures of his family, proudly on display. The ironic thing, was that he wasn't even in any of them.
What is our focus? What do we lack in our own life?
What is our focus? What do we lack in our own life?
Saturday, August 4, 2012
God Uses Everyone!
Reflections from the Dominican Republic - Part 3
Out of 28 people, we had people of all ages part of our team. While Paul and I were probably some of the oldest, Dylan, our son was the youngest, two others were just a year older than Dylan. Almost half of the group were teenagers, my favorite age to be a part of. They are my passion in this season of life since I have one too, Abby, who also was part of the trip. The kids were an important part of our team. They brought energy, and life to the kids of the community. They served as group leaders in VBS and were playmates to the kids when they came to the school to visit with us in our times when we weren't working in the community. They also drew in the teenagers of the community to play basketball and dominoes.
Everyone had gifts and talents to contribute. Some of our people were skilled in building and construction. Others knew much about agriculture and were instrumental in sowing plants in the community to teach them how to grow and provide future sources of food for their family. Others worked with the children in VBS in music, crafts or playing games. Each person, using their own unique gifts and talents would be used by God in this community while we were there.
Before we left for the trip, I must admit, I had my reservations about Dylan's age, being the youngest on the team. Dylan is filled with life and energy, but at times doesn't quite know how to contain it. Given people were put together in tight spaces like the airplane, bus rides, many people living in one room, added to it heat, lack of food that they were accustomed to, and tiredness. I was concerned about the expectations of others.
I was very proud of the young kids on our team. There were so many times they were put in adult environments with adult expectations; a 2 hour church service, multiple meetings that lasted more than an hour. All of the kids showed a great deal of self control and were quite important in gaining the love and trust of the youngest in the community.
Dylan did a fantastic job connecting with four young boys in the community who at times, matched his eagerness for life and also shared his energy. They became his gang from the very first day. At times other kids would leave them out of games, but Dylan always included everyone and they began to look for him and follow us wherever we went.
Another time, it had rained a lot in one afternoon and it created a huge puddle outside of our front gate. Dylan was talking about the puddle with some of our men and when we came back from a morning of activity, Dylan started digging trenches on either side of the puddle to let the water flow downhill with one of our women. Soon, we engaged some young teenage boys to help with the process. The people of the village would walk and drive through it as if it didn't even exist, not knowing that eventually the water wasn't good for their only transportation, their motorcycles. We are hoping that this will open their eyes that they can do things like dig trenches for themselves, to take ownership and come up with their own solutions. Dylan was an important part in getting kids involved who lack purpose or things to do. It was awesome to watch that God has jobs for even the youngest and He wants to use anyone that has a willing heart and open hands to serve.
Out of 28 people, we had people of all ages part of our team. While Paul and I were probably some of the oldest, Dylan, our son was the youngest, two others were just a year older than Dylan. Almost half of the group were teenagers, my favorite age to be a part of. They are my passion in this season of life since I have one too, Abby, who also was part of the trip. The kids were an important part of our team. They brought energy, and life to the kids of the community. They served as group leaders in VBS and were playmates to the kids when they came to the school to visit with us in our times when we weren't working in the community. They also drew in the teenagers of the community to play basketball and dominoes.
Everyone had gifts and talents to contribute. Some of our people were skilled in building and construction. Others knew much about agriculture and were instrumental in sowing plants in the community to teach them how to grow and provide future sources of food for their family. Others worked with the children in VBS in music, crafts or playing games. Each person, using their own unique gifts and talents would be used by God in this community while we were there.
Before we left for the trip, I must admit, I had my reservations about Dylan's age, being the youngest on the team. Dylan is filled with life and energy, but at times doesn't quite know how to contain it. Given people were put together in tight spaces like the airplane, bus rides, many people living in one room, added to it heat, lack of food that they were accustomed to, and tiredness. I was concerned about the expectations of others.
I was very proud of the young kids on our team. There were so many times they were put in adult environments with adult expectations; a 2 hour church service, multiple meetings that lasted more than an hour. All of the kids showed a great deal of self control and were quite important in gaining the love and trust of the youngest in the community.
Dylan did a fantastic job connecting with four young boys in the community who at times, matched his eagerness for life and also shared his energy. They became his gang from the very first day. At times other kids would leave them out of games, but Dylan always included everyone and they began to look for him and follow us wherever we went.
Another time, it had rained a lot in one afternoon and it created a huge puddle outside of our front gate. Dylan was talking about the puddle with some of our men and when we came back from a morning of activity, Dylan started digging trenches on either side of the puddle to let the water flow downhill with one of our women. Soon, we engaged some young teenage boys to help with the process. The people of the village would walk and drive through it as if it didn't even exist, not knowing that eventually the water wasn't good for their only transportation, their motorcycles. We are hoping that this will open their eyes that they can do things like dig trenches for themselves, to take ownership and come up with their own solutions. Dylan was an important part in getting kids involved who lack purpose or things to do. It was awesome to watch that God has jobs for even the youngest and He wants to use anyone that has a willing heart and open hands to serve.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Matter of Perspective
Reflections from the Dominican Republic - Part 2
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Philippians 4:8
Before we left, as a family we decided that no matter what circumstances came our way, we would choose to make the best of it and not complain. That meant if things changed at the airport, we were hungry, hot or tired we would say nothing. I often reminded myself before we left, that our living environment was only temporary, 5 days to be exact. When we came home, we would return to things as normal. However, we would leave behind a village of people who would continue to live just like before we came.
As we drove into the community, it was just as I had expected. The landscape was green and lush, with large pastures of untouched land. If it was the US, we would plant corn or beans, or fill the land with livestock such as cows or horses. The houses were of made of cinderblock, tin, or wood. As we drove in, there were waves and smiles from children and adults alike. It made me think how at home when someone passes by, we look straight ahead or down, not even acknowledging that there is another human in our midst. In addition, most of us were foreigners, strangers that they had never met.
We were filled with anticipation and excitement for this new adventure we were about to enter. Until, the bags were unloaded and we began to methodically set up our new homes. Sheets were on the beds, fans were filled with batteries, mosquito nets were tightly embracing our space to shield us from unwanted visitors. As we were moving around, we felt the heat from our tin roof, and our shirts became drenched from perspiration. Within a half hour, I found myself without little relief and nausea came over me very quickly. I kept telling myself, it's Ok, I will not be sick. It lasted for several hours and I was so grateful when it passed.
Each day that passed, I found myself thankful for the fan that swept a slight breeze over me and the power that we had for few hours of the day in the afternoon to get out of the heat for just a few moments. I was thankful for the cool, fresh water that they put ice in, filling my water bottle. The people of our village, don't have clean drinking water, electricity, showers, toilets or running water. They carry water on their heads for cooking and sponge off and wash their clothes in a bucket by hand. Most families eat only one meal a day. We quickly saw in less than 6 hours we live in a country of freedom and material abundance. Each night ended with thoughts of thankfulness and how blessed I truly am!
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Philippians 4:8
Before we left, as a family we decided that no matter what circumstances came our way, we would choose to make the best of it and not complain. That meant if things changed at the airport, we were hungry, hot or tired we would say nothing. I often reminded myself before we left, that our living environment was only temporary, 5 days to be exact. When we came home, we would return to things as normal. However, we would leave behind a village of people who would continue to live just like before we came.
As we drove into the community, it was just as I had expected. The landscape was green and lush, with large pastures of untouched land. If it was the US, we would plant corn or beans, or fill the land with livestock such as cows or horses. The houses were of made of cinderblock, tin, or wood. As we drove in, there were waves and smiles from children and adults alike. It made me think how at home when someone passes by, we look straight ahead or down, not even acknowledging that there is another human in our midst. In addition, most of us were foreigners, strangers that they had never met.
We were filled with anticipation and excitement for this new adventure we were about to enter. Until, the bags were unloaded and we began to methodically set up our new homes. Sheets were on the beds, fans were filled with batteries, mosquito nets were tightly embracing our space to shield us from unwanted visitors. As we were moving around, we felt the heat from our tin roof, and our shirts became drenched from perspiration. Within a half hour, I found myself without little relief and nausea came over me very quickly. I kept telling myself, it's Ok, I will not be sick. It lasted for several hours and I was so grateful when it passed.
Each day that passed, I found myself thankful for the fan that swept a slight breeze over me and the power that we had for few hours of the day in the afternoon to get out of the heat for just a few moments. I was thankful for the cool, fresh water that they put ice in, filling my water bottle. The people of our village, don't have clean drinking water, electricity, showers, toilets or running water. They carry water on their heads for cooking and sponge off and wash their clothes in a bucket by hand. Most families eat only one meal a day. We quickly saw in less than 6 hours we live in a country of freedom and material abundance. Each night ended with thoughts of thankfulness and how blessed I truly am!
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Worship-In all Languages
Reflections from the Dominican Republic- Part 1
Psalm 95:1-3 (ESV)
Oh come, let us sing to the Lord, let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation! Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving, let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise! For the Lord is a great God and a great King above all gods.
Our first stop, unplanned, was a detour because we were "killing time" to allow extra time for our arrival in Sierra Prieta. We loaded up in our buses and headed to a local church in Santo Domingo. Actually, it was a church of 2000 which I found absolutely amazing.
We stood out not only because we were a large group, waiting on the stairs, blocking traffic, but because there were 28 of us, all wearing t-shirts that said Dios de Amor, God is love. We sat down and I was taken back that their band sounded like ours at our church. The lead female singer was awesome. It captured my attention right away. I love singing no matter where I am, but what took my breath away was the entire congregation was more than a whisper like our churches. People in the US sing like they just rolled out of bed, still waking up from a deep sleep. It was like the entire congregation was alive, engaged, thinking about the words that were coming from their lips. It was like the presence of God was hovering over us, well pleased that these people, foreigners singing in a different language knew the meaning of a thankful heart for God's faithfulness and unconditional love.
It made me think about heaven. People from many different nations, speaking different languages will one day sing together, and their will be no language barriers. We will all be worshipping together praising the same King.
What an awesome way to start our week, being united together for the same cause, because many of us love Jesus. I knew it was going to be a week we would never forget!
Psalm 95:1-3 (ESV)
Oh come, let us sing to the Lord, let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation! Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving, let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise! For the Lord is a great God and a great King above all gods.
Our first stop, unplanned, was a detour because we were "killing time" to allow extra time for our arrival in Sierra Prieta. We loaded up in our buses and headed to a local church in Santo Domingo. Actually, it was a church of 2000 which I found absolutely amazing.
We stood out not only because we were a large group, waiting on the stairs, blocking traffic, but because there were 28 of us, all wearing t-shirts that said Dios de Amor, God is love. We sat down and I was taken back that their band sounded like ours at our church. The lead female singer was awesome. It captured my attention right away. I love singing no matter where I am, but what took my breath away was the entire congregation was more than a whisper like our churches. People in the US sing like they just rolled out of bed, still waking up from a deep sleep. It was like the entire congregation was alive, engaged, thinking about the words that were coming from their lips. It was like the presence of God was hovering over us, well pleased that these people, foreigners singing in a different language knew the meaning of a thankful heart for God's faithfulness and unconditional love.
It made me think about heaven. People from many different nations, speaking different languages will one day sing together, and their will be no language barriers. We will all be worshipping together praising the same King.
What an awesome way to start our week, being united together for the same cause, because many of us love Jesus. I knew it was going to be a week we would never forget!
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Worn Around the Edges
Lessons from My Garden - Part 3
We ought always to give thanks to God for you, brothers, as is right, because your faith is growing abundantly, and the love of every one of you for one another is increasing. Therefore we ourselves boast about you in the churches of God for your steadfastness and faith in all your persecutions and in the afflictions that you are enduring. This is evidence of the righteous judgment of God, that you may be considered worthy of the kingdom of God, for which you are also suffering—II Thessalonians 1:3-5
Into each life some rain must fall.
We ought always to give thanks to God for you, brothers, as is right, because your faith is growing abundantly, and the love of every one of you for one another is increasing. Therefore we ourselves boast about you in the churches of God for your steadfastness and faith in all your persecutions and in the afflictions that you are enduring. This is evidence of the righteous judgment of God, that you may be considered worthy of the kingdom of God, for which you are also suffering—II Thessalonians 1:3-5
Into each life some rain must fall.
These plants were beautiful, standing tall and green full of life and beauty. Slowly the sun began to shine brighter, the air which was cool and refreshing became hot, lasting longer day by day. In addition, to the summer months pressing on, moths and insects now made their homes in the cool dirt and the leaves became full of holes, green turning to yellow. In essence, the beauty began to flee and the leaves began to look worn and tired from the weather and outside circumstances.
So many of us are like the leaves. We start out fresh and renewed until our schedules overtake our peace and quiet, kids get sick, stress and worries keep us up late at night and we can't find rest. We find ourselves stretched so thin that we long for a more simple, less complicated life. Why do hardships of life come? It says in the quote above that rain falls in all of our lives. There are seasons of life where rain falls more than for others. And for some who are blessed enough to escape the storms of life, there time is yet to come.
In the above passage it says that afflictions and hardships bring out the best and worst in us, preparing us to be worthy of the Kingdom. We spend a lifetime, preparing for eternity. Most of us need many years to refine us to be more like Him.
It is quite normal to us to have holes and yellow leaves, some from our own mistakes and failures, others are just allowed to refine us. So how do we find rest as we feel weary and tired?
Matthew 11 says it best, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. (verses 28-31)
Matthew 11 says it best, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. (verses 28-31)
Monday, July 30, 2012
Missed Moments
Lessons from My Garden - Part 2

"You and I can never do a kindness too soon, for we never know how soon it will be too late."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Be very careful, then, how you live – not as unwise but as wise. Making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:15-16
In the picture above these morning glories were planted in the spring from seed. The plants grew very full, lush and green. I waited for months, watching in great participation of multiple flowers filling each of my pots on my patio. I waited and waited; day after day, week after week. Finally, one day as I was carefully watering I couldn't believe it, I had missed the buds coming on. I loved the brilliant color. There was only one from all the plants that so fully filled the dirt. I came back in the afternoon and the flower was gone. Only several hours had passed by. It was several more days before I happened to notice another. If I wasn't looking for them, they would come and go before I could enjoy their beauty.
I find that life is like that. How many times are we in a hurry and their is a sales person that just wants someone to listen yet, we are in a rush to go through the line. Or there is an eldely person that comes into my path and they just want a touch, as I see a lonliness in their eyes. Maybe they have recently lost their love and are grieving their lifetime of memories. How many times do we make a to do list for the day and our children just want us to stop and play a game. Life is full of many opportunities to show loving kindness, a gentle touch or a wordless smile. Out of our own ignorance, we miss the divine appointment, only to realize later that the moment is gone, never to return. Just as their is beauty in a single morning glory bloom, how greater the beauty in receiving a blessing from an unexpected opportunity to touch the life of another!

"You and I can never do a kindness too soon, for we never know how soon it will be too late."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Be very careful, then, how you live – not as unwise but as wise. Making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:15-16
In the picture above these morning glories were planted in the spring from seed. The plants grew very full, lush and green. I waited for months, watching in great participation of multiple flowers filling each of my pots on my patio. I waited and waited; day after day, week after week. Finally, one day as I was carefully watering I couldn't believe it, I had missed the buds coming on. I loved the brilliant color. There was only one from all the plants that so fully filled the dirt. I came back in the afternoon and the flower was gone. Only several hours had passed by. It was several more days before I happened to notice another. If I wasn't looking for them, they would come and go before I could enjoy their beauty.
I find that life is like that. How many times are we in a hurry and their is a sales person that just wants someone to listen yet, we are in a rush to go through the line. Or there is an eldely person that comes into my path and they just want a touch, as I see a lonliness in their eyes. Maybe they have recently lost their love and are grieving their lifetime of memories. How many times do we make a to do list for the day and our children just want us to stop and play a game. Life is full of many opportunities to show loving kindness, a gentle touch or a wordless smile. Out of our own ignorance, we miss the divine appointment, only to realize later that the moment is gone, never to return. Just as their is beauty in a single morning glory bloom, how greater the beauty in receiving a blessing from an unexpected opportunity to touch the life of another!
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Growth Takes Time
What a person plants, he will harvest. The person who plants selfishness, ignoring the needs of others-ignoring God, harvests a crop of weeds. But the one who plants in response to God, letting God's Spirit do the growth work in him, harvests a crop of real life, eternal life. Galatians 6:7-8
Lessons from My Garden - Part 1
This spring I was tired of spending so much money planting flowers three times a year. I have two large beds in the backyard and about 7 pots on the front and back patio. While I absolutely love the beauty in seeing my yard filled with flowers of many kinds and colors, they simply don't last! I got this great idea to grow things from seed. I know I've lived in the city far too long. My Indiana, Ohio and Michigan friends are just laughing to themselves. Only my family knows that I don't have an indoor green thumb. Many flowering plants have been sent our way through the years and only one has survived, Great Grandma's cactus that was 70 years old at the time she gave it to me. I was 12. It has never flowered but I have somehow managed to keep it alive after 23 years of being happily married.
My outdoor flowers have had the same kind of fate. So back from the bunny trail, I bought three packages of seeds. I didn't think it would take over 6 weeks to become plants just breaking through soil and many more weeks after that to flower. Yes, I guess you could say I am a little impatient.
I think our spiritual growth is the same. Someone planted seeds in our life to bring us to Jesus. Some of us take longer than others to accept Christ. For some of my friends, I have prayed for their salvation for more than 15 years. You continue to perservere even without acceptance. At some point, someone comes along and leads that person to Jesus. Some people remain in an infant stage in their relationship with Christ for a long time because there is no one to teach them how to grow. For others, life circumstances become hard and they ask a lot of questions.
We all grow in our spiritual journey at different paces. Sometimes we grow impatient with our own progress as well as the progress with those around us. The best part is that God is so patient. He gently and quietly pursues us because He desires to have a relationship with us. Whether it takes us two months, two years, 20 years He still loves us and is waiting. It doesn't matter what our growth rate is or that it can't be measured, what counts is that we continue to seek Christ! When we earnest seek Him, he promises that we will find Him. Growth will automatically take place!
Lessons from My Garden - Part 1
This spring I was tired of spending so much money planting flowers three times a year. I have two large beds in the backyard and about 7 pots on the front and back patio. While I absolutely love the beauty in seeing my yard filled with flowers of many kinds and colors, they simply don't last! I got this great idea to grow things from seed. I know I've lived in the city far too long. My Indiana, Ohio and Michigan friends are just laughing to themselves. Only my family knows that I don't have an indoor green thumb. Many flowering plants have been sent our way through the years and only one has survived, Great Grandma's cactus that was 70 years old at the time she gave it to me. I was 12. It has never flowered but I have somehow managed to keep it alive after 23 years of being happily married.
My outdoor flowers have had the same kind of fate. So back from the bunny trail, I bought three packages of seeds. I didn't think it would take over 6 weeks to become plants just breaking through soil and many more weeks after that to flower. Yes, I guess you could say I am a little impatient.
I think our spiritual growth is the same. Someone planted seeds in our life to bring us to Jesus. Some of us take longer than others to accept Christ. For some of my friends, I have prayed for their salvation for more than 15 years. You continue to perservere even without acceptance. At some point, someone comes along and leads that person to Jesus. Some people remain in an infant stage in their relationship with Christ for a long time because there is no one to teach them how to grow. For others, life circumstances become hard and they ask a lot of questions.
We all grow in our spiritual journey at different paces. Sometimes we grow impatient with our own progress as well as the progress with those around us. The best part is that God is so patient. He gently and quietly pursues us because He desires to have a relationship with us. Whether it takes us two months, two years, 20 years He still loves us and is waiting. It doesn't matter what our growth rate is or that it can't be measured, what counts is that we continue to seek Christ! When we earnest seek Him, he promises that we will find Him. Growth will automatically take place!
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Tick Tock
“In the West we have a tendency to be profit-oriented, where everything is measured according to the results and we get caught up in being more and more active to generate results. In the East -- especially in India -- I find that people are more content to just be, to just sit around under a banyan tree for half a day chatting to each other. We Westerners would probably call that wasting time. But there is value to it. Being with someone, listening wihtout a clock and without anticipation of results, teaches us about love. The success of love is in the loving -- it is not in the result of loving. ”
― Mother Teresa
Looking through the pictures of summer, I see a person I do not recognize. It is true. I have always heard it said that in your mind you believe you are younger than your body says. It is a sad state of affairs when you are walking into a ball game and an overweight, bald headed, middle-aged man is trying to flirt with you. The only thought that might be grimmer is that he might even be younger than me. The pictures do not lie. I am not as young as I used to be. It is a stark reality that I am slowly approaching mid-life.
Some of my counter parts pay to have time erased from their deteriorating bodies; face lifts, body reductions, enhancements. It becomes more difficult to lose a pound, energy wanes and injuries happen as we try to overcompensate and work out more. However short-lived the solutions may be, it only postpones the inevitable. Time is truly not our friend! Even more difficult to watch is our aging parents, our dying grandparents and friends who are facing serious physical ailments and sicknesses. This was all promised from the very beginning; we would be born, our days would be numbered and we would return as dust. All of this is the result from Adam and Eve's choice to rebel against God's only rule.
I think Mother Teresa has a point. Our daily life and routines are so rushed and time passes by so quickly, that we forget to sit under the tree, in the park, on the back porch, just chatting; with our parents, our spouses, and our children who are growing up so quickly right before our very eyes. We go from 20 somethings who will conquer the world, to parents who are waving our goodbyes and eagerly waiting for their return on holidays.
Change is inevitable! We can't stop our children from leaving the nest, or from our bodies aging. It is all going to happen! Our response to the changes in life are within our control. Acceptance of change is hard! I find myself reflecting on the past more and more. I am thankful for past relationships, loved ones lost, mistakes made. They all make up the tapestry of my life. I am also thankful for the present and that there is still more time to "be content just being" in the moment. This summer I have had time just being present. It is hard for our whole family not being on the fast lane of life.
Instead of being afraid of what is to come, or depressed about what is behind, I keep asking the question about what I can do to show the love of Jesus to others that I can touch presently and in the days ahead. If I didn't have the secure knowledge that Christ loves me regardless of how I look or how I am going to change, I'm not quite sure where I would be!
God has made everything beautiful in His time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. I know that there is nothing better for men than to be happy and do good while they live. That everyone may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all his toil- this is a gift from God! I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. God does it so that men will revere Him! Whatever is has already been, and what will be has been before; and God will call the past to account. Ecclesiastes 3:11-15
― Mother Teresa
Looking through the pictures of summer, I see a person I do not recognize. It is true. I have always heard it said that in your mind you believe you are younger than your body says. It is a sad state of affairs when you are walking into a ball game and an overweight, bald headed, middle-aged man is trying to flirt with you. The only thought that might be grimmer is that he might even be younger than me. The pictures do not lie. I am not as young as I used to be. It is a stark reality that I am slowly approaching mid-life.
Some of my counter parts pay to have time erased from their deteriorating bodies; face lifts, body reductions, enhancements. It becomes more difficult to lose a pound, energy wanes and injuries happen as we try to overcompensate and work out more. However short-lived the solutions may be, it only postpones the inevitable. Time is truly not our friend! Even more difficult to watch is our aging parents, our dying grandparents and friends who are facing serious physical ailments and sicknesses. This was all promised from the very beginning; we would be born, our days would be numbered and we would return as dust. All of this is the result from Adam and Eve's choice to rebel against God's only rule.
I think Mother Teresa has a point. Our daily life and routines are so rushed and time passes by so quickly, that we forget to sit under the tree, in the park, on the back porch, just chatting; with our parents, our spouses, and our children who are growing up so quickly right before our very eyes. We go from 20 somethings who will conquer the world, to parents who are waving our goodbyes and eagerly waiting for their return on holidays.
Change is inevitable! We can't stop our children from leaving the nest, or from our bodies aging. It is all going to happen! Our response to the changes in life are within our control. Acceptance of change is hard! I find myself reflecting on the past more and more. I am thankful for past relationships, loved ones lost, mistakes made. They all make up the tapestry of my life. I am also thankful for the present and that there is still more time to "be content just being" in the moment. This summer I have had time just being present. It is hard for our whole family not being on the fast lane of life.
Instead of being afraid of what is to come, or depressed about what is behind, I keep asking the question about what I can do to show the love of Jesus to others that I can touch presently and in the days ahead. If I didn't have the secure knowledge that Christ loves me regardless of how I look or how I am going to change, I'm not quite sure where I would be!
God has made everything beautiful in His time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. I know that there is nothing better for men than to be happy and do good while they live. That everyone may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all his toil- this is a gift from God! I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. God does it so that men will revere Him! Whatever is has already been, and what will be has been before; and God will call the past to account. Ecclesiastes 3:11-15
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Point of No Return
There comes a time in life when your child crosses the threshold and their innocence will never return.
I remember one day when Abby was little and she came home and told me that there were two men living around the corner from us and they were married. We had to talk about a subject that I wasn't prepared to have with her while she was just a little child.
Recently, there have been issues that have come before us with the kids. You wish you could go back and protect them from the evils of the world. You wish that you could spread your wings over them and return to a place where life is filled with butterflies and sandcastles and the most complicated conversations are about what you will put on the dinner table. Life moves at a frightening pace and hard conversations take place at an earlier and earlier age.
I wish it were not so, I prayed it were not so. Recently we had some conversations with Dylan. But that day of no return came, there was nothing we could do to stop the wheels from turning. I guess you could say it is better to have conversations in our own home, so they can hear the Godly point of view and the consequences of certain choices. Recently at my MOPS (mothers of preschoolers), I sat and watched the young moms, thinking how simple their life is at this point. They are able to control all the outside influences of their young ones. One day, as they grow older, the influences become greater and their innocent child will be pulled and tugged many different directions. One day that baby will no longer enjoy the title "innocent".
There are safeguards we can put into place while Abby and Dylan live under our roof, but at some point, our children will make their own choices and the only place we will be able to be is on our knees. I have watched many before me, some in spite of their prayers and unconditional love and support have watched their children make many UnGodly decisions. They cry out to God for His protection and mercy. I'm not sure where my precious children are headed. There are no guarantees in spite of our love and prayers.
I pray for them to hunger and thirst for righteousness. I pray for sin to be revealed quickly before it takes a stronghold in their life. I pray for them to feel unconditional love from us and their Heavenly Father. I pray for Godly friends who make Godly choices. I pray for their future spouses, that God will keep them safe and help them to be who God created them to be. But most of all I pray above all else, that our kids will Love God and Love their Neighbor.
The truth is, none of us are innocent. We were all born into a sinful world. If we don't do our job though and be proactive in their training, in their education, in their relationships, in our relationships with them, in their spiritual lives, we will reap what we sow. I often say, there are children who come up and there are children who are brought up. When the day comes that we realize we can't go back, it is ours to just love them unconditionally and to point them to Jesus. In reality, they really aren't ours anyways, they are just given to us on loan.
I remember one day when Abby was little and she came home and told me that there were two men living around the corner from us and they were married. We had to talk about a subject that I wasn't prepared to have with her while she was just a little child.
Recently, there have been issues that have come before us with the kids. You wish you could go back and protect them from the evils of the world. You wish that you could spread your wings over them and return to a place where life is filled with butterflies and sandcastles and the most complicated conversations are about what you will put on the dinner table. Life moves at a frightening pace and hard conversations take place at an earlier and earlier age.
I wish it were not so, I prayed it were not so. Recently we had some conversations with Dylan. But that day of no return came, there was nothing we could do to stop the wheels from turning. I guess you could say it is better to have conversations in our own home, so they can hear the Godly point of view and the consequences of certain choices. Recently at my MOPS (mothers of preschoolers), I sat and watched the young moms, thinking how simple their life is at this point. They are able to control all the outside influences of their young ones. One day, as they grow older, the influences become greater and their innocent child will be pulled and tugged many different directions. One day that baby will no longer enjoy the title "innocent".
There are safeguards we can put into place while Abby and Dylan live under our roof, but at some point, our children will make their own choices and the only place we will be able to be is on our knees. I have watched many before me, some in spite of their prayers and unconditional love and support have watched their children make many UnGodly decisions. They cry out to God for His protection and mercy. I'm not sure where my precious children are headed. There are no guarantees in spite of our love and prayers.
I pray for them to hunger and thirst for righteousness. I pray for sin to be revealed quickly before it takes a stronghold in their life. I pray for them to feel unconditional love from us and their Heavenly Father. I pray for Godly friends who make Godly choices. I pray for their future spouses, that God will keep them safe and help them to be who God created them to be. But most of all I pray above all else, that our kids will Love God and Love their Neighbor.
The truth is, none of us are innocent. We were all born into a sinful world. If we don't do our job though and be proactive in their training, in their education, in their relationships, in our relationships with them, in their spiritual lives, we will reap what we sow. I often say, there are children who come up and there are children who are brought up. When the day comes that we realize we can't go back, it is ours to just love them unconditionally and to point them to Jesus. In reality, they really aren't ours anyways, they are just given to us on loan.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
The Greatest of Gifts
Today I am overwhelmed and filled with joy beyond belief. You ask God for something and He gives you more than you could ever imagine. It is the height of abundant living.
At the beginning of the year I always ask Him to change or reveal something in my character to make me more like Him. This year I asked Him to teach me what it means to love your neighbor as yourself. He has revealed His plan over and over in His greatest creation, YOU!
My dad was right all of the years he breathed life into my being...People are eternal. Things will pass away.
This is a special letter written to everyone who has ever been a part of my life, who has helped me be who I am today. I look back over the decades of my life. Some of you watched me grow up. Others went to school with me. Still others walked some very fun years of my life through high school and college. Some walked with me while I was figuring out who I was and helped me tear down walls, showing me that I could be transparent, people don't care if you are perfect.
Others held our babies, and sang them lullabies. Some have watched our kids grow up and will walk with us when we have to give them wings to fly away, which will be sooner than we ever planned.
Some of the luckiest get to live in the house with me and see me at my best and worst :) Whether you are part of my immediate family, extended family, friends, church family or adopted into our Kingdom family, you have all touched my life in a significant way.
Some of you have entrusted me with your children. Others have allowed me into the hearts of your teenagers. But I want those who don't know, who is the source of the love that I have so deeply in my heart for each one of you.
His name is Jesus, He created me in His image for a purpose, as He created each one of you. I have learned unconditional love through his unconditional love for me. Apart from Him I am nothing. It says the beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord. It is not a shaking fear, it is a reverance knowing where I came from and whose I am. I don't have to do anything to earn His love. There is no logical point of reference, I just believed. The void that I once felt has been filled by someone who loves me so deeply and knows my every word before they are even spoken. Because I have that knowledge that no matter where I am, what I am doing, that He is thinking about me and has my best interest in mind I walk throughout life, knowing that I am never alone. He died to save me from myself, and He has transformed my life and restored me from my baggage and brokeness. Because I know what He has done for me, it is the very source for my love of others.
From a grateful heart, love flows. Sometimes love is hard, I don't always feel like it. Sometimes it comes freely, but He has brought MANY people in my life past and present to love. I look back and realize that He has surrounded me all of my life with people who love Him just as much as I do and others who need Him as much as I once did and still do.
One of the greatest gifts He has given me is relationship. It has been said that many people can only count best friends on one hand. I have had many over my lifetime through different seasons. They are to be held on dearly to, to be treasured and to thank God for during that special season. I guess I always knew how to love my neighbor as myself, my eyes just weren't always open to see what already existed. Today as I look over messages from those who have sent special wishes and blessings my way, I realize how blessed I have been throughout my life through relationship.
The next decades of my life, I want to live "intentionally", to live with open hands, an open heart, to serve others. I know He wants me to speak less, listen more, love more unconditionally, hug more often, use more words of grace to encourage the hearts of others, all for only one thing, to point others to Jesus. I want each one of you to know how much value and worth that you have because you have been created in His image. Thank you for your love and words of encouragement today. It was one of the greatest birthdays ever!
Today I am overwhelmed and filled with joy beyond belief. You ask God for something and He gives you more than you could ever imagine. It is the height of abundant living.
At the beginning of the year I always ask Him to change or reveal something in my character to make me more like Him. This year I asked Him to teach me what it means to love your neighbor as yourself. He has revealed His plan over and over in His greatest creation, YOU!
My dad was right all of the years he breathed life into my being...People are eternal. Things will pass away.
This is a special letter written to everyone who has ever been a part of my life, who has helped me be who I am today. I look back over the decades of my life. Some of you watched me grow up. Others went to school with me. Still others walked some very fun years of my life through high school and college. Some walked with me while I was figuring out who I was and helped me tear down walls, showing me that I could be transparent, people don't care if you are perfect.
Others held our babies, and sang them lullabies. Some have watched our kids grow up and will walk with us when we have to give them wings to fly away, which will be sooner than we ever planned.
Some of the luckiest get to live in the house with me and see me at my best and worst :) Whether you are part of my immediate family, extended family, friends, church family or adopted into our Kingdom family, you have all touched my life in a significant way.
Some of you have entrusted me with your children. Others have allowed me into the hearts of your teenagers. But I want those who don't know, who is the source of the love that I have so deeply in my heart for each one of you.
His name is Jesus, He created me in His image for a purpose, as He created each one of you. I have learned unconditional love through his unconditional love for me. Apart from Him I am nothing. It says the beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord. It is not a shaking fear, it is a reverance knowing where I came from and whose I am. I don't have to do anything to earn His love. There is no logical point of reference, I just believed. The void that I once felt has been filled by someone who loves me so deeply and knows my every word before they are even spoken. Because I have that knowledge that no matter where I am, what I am doing, that He is thinking about me and has my best interest in mind I walk throughout life, knowing that I am never alone. He died to save me from myself, and He has transformed my life and restored me from my baggage and brokeness. Because I know what He has done for me, it is the very source for my love of others.
From a grateful heart, love flows. Sometimes love is hard, I don't always feel like it. Sometimes it comes freely, but He has brought MANY people in my life past and present to love. I look back and realize that He has surrounded me all of my life with people who love Him just as much as I do and others who need Him as much as I once did and still do.
One of the greatest gifts He has given me is relationship. It has been said that many people can only count best friends on one hand. I have had many over my lifetime through different seasons. They are to be held on dearly to, to be treasured and to thank God for during that special season. I guess I always knew how to love my neighbor as myself, my eyes just weren't always open to see what already existed. Today as I look over messages from those who have sent special wishes and blessings my way, I realize how blessed I have been throughout my life through relationship.
The next decades of my life, I want to live "intentionally", to live with open hands, an open heart, to serve others. I know He wants me to speak less, listen more, love more unconditionally, hug more often, use more words of grace to encourage the hearts of others, all for only one thing, to point others to Jesus. I want each one of you to know how much value and worth that you have because you have been created in His image. Thank you for your love and words of encouragement today. It was one of the greatest birthdays ever!
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
A simple word...What comes to mind when I hear it? Thankful, grateful, favor shown upon.
Some don't grasp what that means. For me, I understand it well. I'm a human being, flawed, making mistakes on a daily basis. I make them with my husband, I make them with my kids, I let my friends down from time to time; not returning a call or email, forgetting a lunch date or saying the wrong thing at the wrong time.
Redeemed is knowing that you are imperfect, and yet you are still loved, by Our Creator, the one who created us in HIS image. In and of my own self, I can't get back to how HE intended for me to be, to be like HIM! It is only by my admission that I fall short, there is nothing I can do to make Him love me, He just does. By admitting my own weaknesses, can I understand that in my humility, it is then that He can actually do something with me, with my life. When I think I can fix myself, redeem myself, restore myself into relationship with Him, I get no where. When I understand that He took on my guilt and my shame and my sins, nailed them to the cross so I could have a relationship with Him, it is only then that I am redeemed...
Redeemed is taking what once was, blemished, scarred, and being transformed into something new. Old habits are replaced with new ones. Old ways of thinking are replaced with thoughts of benefitting the well being of others, not my own interests. Sometimes it isn't a quick fix. Sometimes it is a lifelong journey.
Redeemed is what I am. Redeemed is not being perfect, it is realizing where I came from and where I am going. Please be patient with those on the journey, please be patient with me!
Some don't grasp what that means. For me, I understand it well. I'm a human being, flawed, making mistakes on a daily basis. I make them with my husband, I make them with my kids, I let my friends down from time to time; not returning a call or email, forgetting a lunch date or saying the wrong thing at the wrong time.
Redeemed is knowing that you are imperfect, and yet you are still loved, by Our Creator, the one who created us in HIS image. In and of my own self, I can't get back to how HE intended for me to be, to be like HIM! It is only by my admission that I fall short, there is nothing I can do to make Him love me, He just does. By admitting my own weaknesses, can I understand that in my humility, it is then that He can actually do something with me, with my life. When I think I can fix myself, redeem myself, restore myself into relationship with Him, I get no where. When I understand that He took on my guilt and my shame and my sins, nailed them to the cross so I could have a relationship with Him, it is only then that I am redeemed...
Redeemed is taking what once was, blemished, scarred, and being transformed into something new. Old habits are replaced with new ones. Old ways of thinking are replaced with thoughts of benefitting the well being of others, not my own interests. Sometimes it isn't a quick fix. Sometimes it is a lifelong journey.
Redeemed is what I am. Redeemed is not being perfect, it is realizing where I came from and where I am going. Please be patient with those on the journey, please be patient with me!
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
It seems as if all of life hinges on it. If you play any kind of sports you need balance. Our schedules need balance; the right amount of sleep, the right amount of exercise, the right kinds of activities. We are always trying to schedule enough so we aren't idle, yet not too much or we are fatigued, stressed out, not able to enjoy life. Our checkbooks need balancing and our household finances have to be in order. We plan for a rainy day and our retirement plans. Our houses and vehicles need to be clean and orderly.
Academics need attention, focus and balance. Our kids need the correct balance of activity; sports, music lesssons, art lessons, play dates, family time, down time.
Our personal lives need the correct balance; our physical well being, and our spiritual and emotional needs. When you stand back and look at the big picture it is all so overwhelming.
Books are written on how to organize your time, your house and your life. There are motivational speakers, seminars, pod casts, sermons on how to get your life in order. You can attend meditation classes, yoga classes, spend time at spa resorts and sweat lodges.
We will spend an entire lifetime trying to the achieve the perfect balance for all our time, efforts and relationships with others and our total well being. All of this search for balance leads me to my words for the year: AN UNDIVIDED HEART!
The verse that keeps coming before me in so many ways again and again is found in Matthew 6:33. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you."
I can save myself thousands of dollars from trying to do all these self help things to restore balance in my life. It doesn't mean that I don't have to do some of these others things. But it is all about perspective.
I've had it backwards all of these years. I started from the outside and was working my way inward. If I seek God first and His righteousness, He will help me do all the rest. That is why He says, and ALL THESE THINGS WILL BE ADDED to you. God is the creator of the Universe! He is the One who designed order. If I seek Him first, He will help me restore order to my life. How about you? Are you tired of trying to juggle life alone? Look up!
Academics need attention, focus and balance. Our kids need the correct balance of activity; sports, music lesssons, art lessons, play dates, family time, down time.
Our personal lives need the correct balance; our physical well being, and our spiritual and emotional needs. When you stand back and look at the big picture it is all so overwhelming.
Books are written on how to organize your time, your house and your life. There are motivational speakers, seminars, pod casts, sermons on how to get your life in order. You can attend meditation classes, yoga classes, spend time at spa resorts and sweat lodges.
We will spend an entire lifetime trying to the achieve the perfect balance for all our time, efforts and relationships with others and our total well being. All of this search for balance leads me to my words for the year: AN UNDIVIDED HEART!
The verse that keeps coming before me in so many ways again and again is found in Matthew 6:33. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you."
I can save myself thousands of dollars from trying to do all these self help things to restore balance in my life. It doesn't mean that I don't have to do some of these others things. But it is all about perspective.
I've had it backwards all of these years. I started from the outside and was working my way inward. If I seek God first and His righteousness, He will help me do all the rest. That is why He says, and ALL THESE THINGS WILL BE ADDED to you. God is the creator of the Universe! He is the One who designed order. If I seek Him first, He will help me restore order to my life. How about you? Are you tired of trying to juggle life alone? Look up!
Monday, January 23, 2012
In a Blink of an Eye
Today was a very sad day. The clouds filled the sky. It was cold and dreary and my daughter, her friends and the entire school, Notre Dame Prep said goodbye to her teacher, their coach, their friend, their collegue.
I couldn't stop thinking about the wife and children of Coach Bemis. Somehow it seems unfair to lose a role model, husband and father at the young age of 45. He was born the same year as me. When I got home tonight I listened to the story of one of Abby's friends who had lost his mom when he was in the fifth grade. I remember that sad day when Cynthia went home. I planned many school parties with her through the years since Abby has been in school with her dear friend since kindergarten. And then I read how a very special young lady lost her sister a couple of years ago.
It only brought up the conversation with Abby tonight as she drifted off how much we missed her grandpa and I my grandma. All of these stories have something in common. We have all loved dearly, and we have all lost. Everyone has left this earth in a different way, but they all knew the same Savior. How do I know that? In the way they lived their lives. They loved deeply, they lived sacrificially and they all lived a life that was an example for others to see the love of Jesus. They all impacted our lives in a way that we will never be the same.
Why is it that they have left us so soon? I'm not sure, I wish I knew. I know it is probably the same question that all of us ask. This is so haunting because it doesn't often make sense when they are impacting the lives of so many when they leave us behind. One of the most comforting things that someone ever said to me is found in Psalms 139. It says Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. God knows how many days each one of us will spend on this earth. It is not unexpected, there is a plan, even though it is not mine. We would love to have the ones we love with us until we are here no more.
There is deep sorrow and suffering in having to say goodbye to someone that we love before we are ready and for many of us, we don't even get the chance to say goodbye. In a blink of an eye, the one we love is no longer here. There are no more hugs or kisses, there are no more long talks or telephone calls. You long to hear the sound of their laughter or their voice to hear their stories or words of wisdom. You long to just sit in their presence without a word being said. In a blink, there is silence, separation, the relationship is no more. You hold memorabilia in your hand, memories, pictures of days gone by. All of us understand death. All of us know someone who has lost a friend or loved one.
What is the purpose for all of this? We are longing to be reunited with those that we love. We can't wait for there to be no more death, no more pain or suffering. We long for home, an eternal home. Death causes us to think about the future, eternity. Without death, we are comfortable living here. But earth is just temporary. In our earthly state, our bodies will one day return as dust. It is our spirits that live on. Christ created us for a relationship with HIM. At times, it is only in our grief and pain that we turn to Him realizing what a void we feel. Only He can fill that void. The hope is in the fact that those that I mentioned above are waiting for their loved ones. There are helping God prepare an eternal home for their family and friends.
There is not a word or phrase that one can bring comfort to one who has lost. It is only Jesus that can provide comfort and peace to the one who grieves. All we can do is be there with arms open wide, a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, prayers offered on their behalf...
And to those who remain, how will we spend our days left here written in the book??? Are they spent on life that is frivolous, or days spent to show others the way? In a blink of an eye, any one of us could be gone!
I couldn't stop thinking about the wife and children of Coach Bemis. Somehow it seems unfair to lose a role model, husband and father at the young age of 45. He was born the same year as me. When I got home tonight I listened to the story of one of Abby's friends who had lost his mom when he was in the fifth grade. I remember that sad day when Cynthia went home. I planned many school parties with her through the years since Abby has been in school with her dear friend since kindergarten. And then I read how a very special young lady lost her sister a couple of years ago.
It only brought up the conversation with Abby tonight as she drifted off how much we missed her grandpa and I my grandma. All of these stories have something in common. We have all loved dearly, and we have all lost. Everyone has left this earth in a different way, but they all knew the same Savior. How do I know that? In the way they lived their lives. They loved deeply, they lived sacrificially and they all lived a life that was an example for others to see the love of Jesus. They all impacted our lives in a way that we will never be the same.
Why is it that they have left us so soon? I'm not sure, I wish I knew. I know it is probably the same question that all of us ask. This is so haunting because it doesn't often make sense when they are impacting the lives of so many when they leave us behind. One of the most comforting things that someone ever said to me is found in Psalms 139. It says Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. God knows how many days each one of us will spend on this earth. It is not unexpected, there is a plan, even though it is not mine. We would love to have the ones we love with us until we are here no more.
There is deep sorrow and suffering in having to say goodbye to someone that we love before we are ready and for many of us, we don't even get the chance to say goodbye. In a blink of an eye, the one we love is no longer here. There are no more hugs or kisses, there are no more long talks or telephone calls. You long to hear the sound of their laughter or their voice to hear their stories or words of wisdom. You long to just sit in their presence without a word being said. In a blink, there is silence, separation, the relationship is no more. You hold memorabilia in your hand, memories, pictures of days gone by. All of us understand death. All of us know someone who has lost a friend or loved one.
What is the purpose for all of this? We are longing to be reunited with those that we love. We can't wait for there to be no more death, no more pain or suffering. We long for home, an eternal home. Death causes us to think about the future, eternity. Without death, we are comfortable living here. But earth is just temporary. In our earthly state, our bodies will one day return as dust. It is our spirits that live on. Christ created us for a relationship with HIM. At times, it is only in our grief and pain that we turn to Him realizing what a void we feel. Only He can fill that void. The hope is in the fact that those that I mentioned above are waiting for their loved ones. There are helping God prepare an eternal home for their family and friends.
There is not a word or phrase that one can bring comfort to one who has lost. It is only Jesus that can provide comfort and peace to the one who grieves. All we can do is be there with arms open wide, a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, prayers offered on their behalf...
And to those who remain, how will we spend our days left here written in the book??? Are they spent on life that is frivolous, or days spent to show others the way? In a blink of an eye, any one of us could be gone!
Friday, January 13, 2012
Don't Judge a Book by It's Cover
You may think that you can judge people, but you are just as bad and you have no excuse. When you say they are wicked and should be punished, you are condemning yourself, you who judge others do the very same things. And we know that God, in his justice, will punish anyone who does such things. Since you judge others for doing these things, why do you think you can avoid God's judgment when you do the same things? Rom 2:1-3
Why do you think that the world calls "Christians" hypocrites?
While this is unfair, people often takes our actions out of context, just to look for an excuse to not choose Christ. However, I think there are times when we give them just cause. If I focus on you and your imperfections, do I let myself off the hook? We go around pointing out the mistakes in others and yet, the next day, we somehow commit the same errors. Maybe it is not exactly the same scenario, but in the end, it is the same thing. This is what these verses are talking about.
If I focus on your wrongs and how you fall short, without looking at my own life; my attitudes, my thoughts, my actions, my motives, then there is no time to focus on me. In essence, I have declared myself as your Holy Spirit. Is it my job to change you?
The attitude of judging is a hypercritical spirit, focused on pointing out the flaws of others only to make myself look better, a comparison of sorts.
Matthew 7:1-2 says it best. Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
The bottom line is that God wants a relationship with me. He wants my life to match the things I say. The only one who can change a life is God. Only the Holy Spirit can convict a person enough to want to change their thoughts and desires to live in obedience to God. As a human being, I cannot change the heart of another.
It is not my job to judge you or your life, it is my job, to live according to the Bible and live a life more pleasing to God. If I spend my time seeking to be more Christ like, I will not have time to focus on others.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
White Hair: A Crown of Glory
Life is a series of cycles.
As a toddler, life seems to move so quickly.
There is so much to learn and experience, everything is new and fresh.
As a child, life seems to move so slowly.
I can't wait to grow older, to do more, to have more freedoms.
When I grow up, I want to be...
As a teenager, I can't wait to be out on my own, to make my own decisions.
Although I don't always know who I am, I want to be heard and valued.
People sometimes look down on me because of my youth but I have a lot of fresh ideas.
As a young adult, I can change the world.
I have goals and aspirations and can make the world a better place.
Don't tell me what to do or how to do it, I have all the answers, I've been there and done it.
Now I have been in my career for some time and am starting a family.
I know where I am going and am responsible for shaping the lives of others.
I look back and can see all the mistakes of my parents.
They are responsible for the good and the bad parts of me.
Now my life is almost half over. There is so much in life I don't know.
I wish I had all of the answers, but truly I don't.
I thought I could change the world, but in reality, I can easily be replaced.
What is truly important anyhow? Work, things, family?
What is the purpose in life?
My kids are grown and gone. Now what?
I worked my entire life for them and what is left?
My mind still believes I can do all things, physically, life is changing.
I have some years left to make a difference. How should I spend my resources?
I'm watching the next generation. It gives me great joy! Our kids are asking us for a little more advice.
They are realizing that they could use some of our answers and experiences.
I have life experience now, living a quiet existence. My busy days are behind me.
The visits are less frequent, the appointments are less, the phone doesn't ring as often.
I sit in my chair waiting for another human smile, hug, visit.
I lived my entire existence for others, working, sacrificing, praying.
My days are filled with memories of what once was;
family vacations and holiday traditions, band concerts and ball games.
I poured my heart and soul and every dime I had to give you the perfect gift, braces,
an education and now you've moved on, you have a life of your own.
You talk to me as if I can't hear you or think for myself. You place yourself in control of
my medical attention, my finances, the money I spent my entire life working for and saving,
forgetting that I still have my mind in tact even though my body no longer works as well as
it once did.
Just remember, that one day you will walk in my shoes. You will go through these life cycles. You will
live my quiet existence and you will wish that you could go back in time when you were once busy,
your days were full and you felt you had purpose. The white hairs on my head are from the days I worried about you and prayed for you and nights spent pacing thinking about how you would pass the course, choose the right spouse or come home safe at night.
Love your neighbor as yourself, treat the elderly with dignity and respect. Have kindness and compassion for those who are not as well off as you. You reap what you sow. If you treat the elderly with dignity, you will receive what you give. If you offer a lack of compassion and mercy, you will receive the same in return. Visit someone who has no family near, take them treats or visit with your children. Life is short, we will all some day be there, It's not a matter of if, it is when!
As a toddler, life seems to move so quickly.
There is so much to learn and experience, everything is new and fresh.
As a child, life seems to move so slowly.
I can't wait to grow older, to do more, to have more freedoms.
When I grow up, I want to be...
As a teenager, I can't wait to be out on my own, to make my own decisions.
Although I don't always know who I am, I want to be heard and valued.
People sometimes look down on me because of my youth but I have a lot of fresh ideas.
As a young adult, I can change the world.
I have goals and aspirations and can make the world a better place.
Don't tell me what to do or how to do it, I have all the answers, I've been there and done it.
Now I have been in my career for some time and am starting a family.
I know where I am going and am responsible for shaping the lives of others.
I look back and can see all the mistakes of my parents.
They are responsible for the good and the bad parts of me.
Now my life is almost half over. There is so much in life I don't know.
I wish I had all of the answers, but truly I don't.
I thought I could change the world, but in reality, I can easily be replaced.
What is truly important anyhow? Work, things, family?
What is the purpose in life?
My kids are grown and gone. Now what?
I worked my entire life for them and what is left?
My mind still believes I can do all things, physically, life is changing.
I have some years left to make a difference. How should I spend my resources?
I'm watching the next generation. It gives me great joy! Our kids are asking us for a little more advice.
They are realizing that they could use some of our answers and experiences.
I have life experience now, living a quiet existence. My busy days are behind me.
The visits are less frequent, the appointments are less, the phone doesn't ring as often.
I sit in my chair waiting for another human smile, hug, visit.
I lived my entire existence for others, working, sacrificing, praying.
My days are filled with memories of what once was;
family vacations and holiday traditions, band concerts and ball games.
I poured my heart and soul and every dime I had to give you the perfect gift, braces,
an education and now you've moved on, you have a life of your own.
You talk to me as if I can't hear you or think for myself. You place yourself in control of
my medical attention, my finances, the money I spent my entire life working for and saving,
forgetting that I still have my mind in tact even though my body no longer works as well as
it once did.
Just remember, that one day you will walk in my shoes. You will go through these life cycles. You will
live my quiet existence and you will wish that you could go back in time when you were once busy,
your days were full and you felt you had purpose. The white hairs on my head are from the days I worried about you and prayed for you and nights spent pacing thinking about how you would pass the course, choose the right spouse or come home safe at night.
Love your neighbor as yourself, treat the elderly with dignity and respect. Have kindness and compassion for those who are not as well off as you. You reap what you sow. If you treat the elderly with dignity, you will receive what you give. If you offer a lack of compassion and mercy, you will receive the same in return. Visit someone who has no family near, take them treats or visit with your children. Life is short, we will all some day be there, It's not a matter of if, it is when!
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Keep it Simple Sister...
There is a tv show about those who hoard things. We are all guilty of having too much "stuff". We hold on to clothes of the past or memorabilia because it reminds of a time that was full of meaning, or held great significance. Before you know it, it takes a semi truck to move us from place to place.
My kids can't put their clothes away because we have held on to too much. I once heard that if you haven't worn it in a year, you should give it away. Things cannot have their own place if we are overflowing our cabinets, closests and drawers. Over Christmas vacation, we started going through drawers and cabinets one by one. It will take me months I'm sure to finish the task.
It led me to think on an even deeper level in my personal journey. At the beginning of a new year we reflect on where we have been and where we are going. We look at our mistakes and make goals for the future. How hard it is to just make just one change at a time.
This is such a great way to look at life...
Keep it simple!
We clutter our schedules our cars, our houses and our rooms. Why can't we just focus on life, one day at a time. Why can't we just rid ourselves of the excesses of life, get rid of the things we don't need and keep what we do? Instead of changing everything about myself all at once, why don't I concentrate on just one thing at a time. Instead of reading four books at one time, why don't I just read one? Instead of wasting time on things like the computer and tv, why don't I enjoy the moments I have with my family? Instead of holding on to past grudges, we should let them go. Instead of holding on to bad habits, we should just let them go.
The more we live life simply, the more time we can have to spend quiet moments with God, quiet moments with family and friends, quiet moments just to enjoy what God has created all around us.
There is a tv show about those who hoard things. We are all guilty of having too much "stuff". We hold on to clothes of the past or memorabilia because it reminds of a time that was full of meaning, or held great significance. Before you know it, it takes a semi truck to move us from place to place.
My kids can't put their clothes away because we have held on to too much. I once heard that if you haven't worn it in a year, you should give it away. Things cannot have their own place if we are overflowing our cabinets, closests and drawers. Over Christmas vacation, we started going through drawers and cabinets one by one. It will take me months I'm sure to finish the task.
It led me to think on an even deeper level in my personal journey. At the beginning of a new year we reflect on where we have been and where we are going. We look at our mistakes and make goals for the future. How hard it is to just make just one change at a time.
This is such a great way to look at life...
Keep it simple!
We clutter our schedules our cars, our houses and our rooms. Why can't we just focus on life, one day at a time. Why can't we just rid ourselves of the excesses of life, get rid of the things we don't need and keep what we do? Instead of changing everything about myself all at once, why don't I concentrate on just one thing at a time. Instead of reading four books at one time, why don't I just read one? Instead of wasting time on things like the computer and tv, why don't I enjoy the moments I have with my family? Instead of holding on to past grudges, we should let them go. Instead of holding on to bad habits, we should just let them go.
The more we live life simply, the more time we can have to spend quiet moments with God, quiet moments with family and friends, quiet moments just to enjoy what God has created all around us.
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