It seems as if all of life hinges on it. If you play any kind of sports you need balance. Our schedules need balance; the right amount of sleep, the right amount of exercise, the right kinds of activities. We are always trying to schedule enough so we aren't idle, yet not too much or we are fatigued, stressed out, not able to enjoy life. Our checkbooks need balancing and our household finances have to be in order. We plan for a rainy day and our retirement plans. Our houses and vehicles need to be clean and orderly.
Academics need attention, focus and balance. Our kids need the correct balance of activity; sports, music lesssons, art lessons, play dates, family time, down time.
Our personal lives need the correct balance; our physical well being, and our spiritual and emotional needs. When you stand back and look at the big picture it is all so overwhelming.
Books are written on how to organize your time, your house and your life. There are motivational speakers, seminars, pod casts, sermons on how to get your life in order. You can attend meditation classes, yoga classes, spend time at spa resorts and sweat lodges.
We will spend an entire lifetime trying to the achieve the perfect balance for all our time, efforts and relationships with others and our total well being. All of this search for balance leads me to my words for the year: AN UNDIVIDED HEART!
The verse that keeps coming before me in so many ways again and again is found in Matthew 6:33. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you."
I can save myself thousands of dollars from trying to do all these self help things to restore balance in my life. It doesn't mean that I don't have to do some of these others things. But it is all about perspective.
I've had it backwards all of these years. I started from the outside and was working my way inward. If I seek God first and His righteousness, He will help me do all the rest. That is why He says, and ALL THESE THINGS WILL BE ADDED to you. God is the creator of the Universe! He is the One who designed order. If I seek Him first, He will help me restore order to my life. How about you? Are you tired of trying to juggle life alone? Look up!
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