Thursday, August 9, 2012

Finishing What I Started

Reflections from the Dominican - Final Observations

He who began a good work in you will complete it! Phil. 1:6

I began journaling about our trip, the Monday when we arrived, July 23. I have been writing ever since. I filled an entire book, complete with pictures to go with my words. Someone had given me the journal, a while back. On the outside cover it fittingly says "Faith". I started writing some observations about scripture a while back, but only filled a few pages. I grabbed it on my way out before we left for our trip. It has taken me more than two weeks to process through our journey there. Last night, I finally finished it. Some may ask the question why I was so intentional and deliberate in recording my thoughts and observations.

I think part of why it is so important is that through the years we forget. I don't want to ever forget the people that went with us or the people that we lived with and served alongside of like Carlos, our Food for the Hungry liason and our interpreters who we worked with, ate with, played games with.

It is strange to think that 28 people can leave for a trip and you barely know the person's name. But in 7 days, it feels like they are family. I almost wish that we would have had some more days because I felt like we were only scratching the surface of "knowing" those that we grew to love and appreciate. Everyone had unique skills and talents and yet, everyone was needed to do a different job. When we learn to appreciate each person for their uniqueness, a unity takes place because everyone is striving to accomplish the same purpose.

While the trip had it's personal peaks and valleys, all in all, I felt God's presence with us and could sense that we had fulfilled His purpose for us being there. While I'm not sure how big of a difference I personally made, I truly felt that I received more than I had given. I also watched everyone in my family being stretched out of their comfort zones and they were all very successful in the tasks that they were given. I guess you could say that we are very proud parents and I can honestly say how blessed I felt that I was "serving alongside" of my husband. There is something to be said about strengthening bonds when you do things as a team. Although there were not many quiet or private moments to be with each other as a family, it was an awesome experience to be able to take a trip like that as a family unit. I saw God work in each of our lives, one seed at a time. While we don't know what kind of return on our investment that we will see in the future, personally, as a family, or in the community that we dwell in Scottsdale or in the Dominican Community, it is only God's to decide. He called us, we showed up and we did what He asked.

I think it was fitting to record our journey in "Faith". Because in looking back, it sums up that chapter of my life and I can live in the present and plan for the future. Going to the Dominican built my faith, by seeing new seeds planted, watching others grow and waiting for others to plant seeds for the next generation behind them. Until next year, continuing our mission in Sierra Prieta. I can't wait for the continued saga to return! God truly does more than we could ever imagine or ask for!

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