I have been pondering this question for months...
I find so many people attend church today for so many different reasons. Some attend to find friends, others attend to find a spouse. Some people go to church because they have been through emotional trauma; a divorce, loss of loved one, loss of job. Some go to church to find business contacts. Some attend church because they are in a new business venture and need to add people to their tiers.
Some attend church as part of a ritual. Some people were raised going to church and it is the thing to do. Others feel that somehow attending church will add to their list of good works. Some parents feel that their children need a moral compass and think that maybe they can find it by sending their kids to a study or a church service. Some like to be entertained. They like music and know where they can find a good play or musical at Christmas or Easter. Some people come to church as part of a holiday routine, twice a year, they will do it.
There are all kinds of churches to choose from. Some are very contemporary with videos and a rock band. Some are small and personal and others are huge and one can just quickly slip in after the music starts, sit in the back row without being noticed and slide out just as quickly as they came in without saying a word to anyone. Some have been started by famous sports players. Others can provide your kids with the latest and greatest entertainment, just like home they can play the WII. Others offer entertainment for the whole family at the same time. We have become a society that wants to hear a message in byte size forms, and it has to be hip and current. Churches provide book stores and coffee shops and any kind of program you are looking for; singles, AA groups, MOMS groups, sports teams and Game nights. While all these things are good, what purpose are they providing? If they exist to point others to Jesus, bring it on. But if He isn't even mentioned then what purpose do they serve?
It is the same coast to coast, even in the midwest, churches are popping up everywhere providing what I am describing. With all the newness, current vibes blending in with today's culture one question comes to mind...
Where is Jesus?
Churches provide messages about self-help and positive thinking, talks are based on the latest and greatest new book and philosophies that have just hit the printing presses. Bible studies for the kids are based on character traits just like they teach in the public schools. Bible studies and small groups talk about how you can have a better self image and reinvent yourself, healing all of your past woes. Groups are filled with I believe, In my opinion and I feel. Where is Jesus?
Scripture or the Bible is summarized from Summarized Versions, all in reaching the most unknowledgeable or newest person off the street. There is need for that don't get me wrong, but what about the times, when not even a Scripture is read in its full context and at times not even mentioned at all. Where are Jesus' words?
Some of you may not like what I am saying at all, but I have to say, quite simply that sometimes I feel like standing up and saying, is there anyone at all any more who feels like I do? Where are the people who love the Bible? Where are the people that read it on a daily basis? I hear people say, I don't even know what the purpose of reading the bible is... I wonder how many people who attend church feel that way? I wonder if you took an honest survey from every person in every congregation and you asked them why are they at church, I wonder what they would say?
For those of us who still believe in the words sin, I am THE WAY, THE TRUTH and THE LIFE, consequences and judgment knowing there is only ONE way, we are considered fundalmentalists, traditionalists. At times, pastors believe they need to be politically correct and choose their words wisely, so that no one will be offended by the truth.
I wonder if Jesus walked into churches across America, or small groups, or even Sunday Schools, if you can find any left, what would Jesus think or say? Would He say, Where am I in these discussions? Does anyone read my words any more? Does anyone still believe that I am the only way? Does anyone still live by Scripture?
As I get older I realize, time is dwindling away. Many people are going to be blown and tossed by the wind. Their spiritual roots are growing very shallow because they are not firmly planted in their knowledge of Jesus, they don't know much about God and who He is, and they know even less about what the Bible says or even where to find anything.
Our pastor says each Sunday, church is to turn our hearts and minds toward God. I believe that statement is correct. Church is also to gather with other believers and to serve others with no strings attached. The real question comes, when people get there, Where is Jesus??
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