Today I am overwhelmed and filled with joy beyond belief. You ask God for something and He gives you more than you could ever imagine. It is the height of abundant living.
At the beginning of the year I always ask Him to change or reveal something in my character to make me more like Him. This year I asked Him to teach me what it means to love your neighbor as yourself. He has revealed His plan over and over in His greatest creation, YOU!
My dad was right all of the years he breathed life into my being...People are eternal. Things will pass away.
This is a special letter written to everyone who has ever been a part of my life, who has helped me be who I am today. I look back over the decades of my life. Some of you watched me grow up. Others went to school with me. Still others walked some very fun years of my life through high school and college. Some walked with me while I was figuring out who I was and helped me tear down walls, showing me that I could be transparent, people don't care if you are perfect.
Others held our babies, and sang them lullabies. Some have watched our kids grow up and will walk with us when we have to give them wings to fly away, which will be sooner than we ever planned.
Some of the luckiest get to live in the house with me and see me at my best and worst :) Whether you are part of my immediate family, extended family, friends, church family or adopted into our Kingdom family, you have all touched my life in a significant way.
Some of you have entrusted me with your children. Others have allowed me into the hearts of your teenagers. But I want those who don't know, who is the source of the love that I have so deeply in my heart for each one of you.
His name is Jesus, He created me in His image for a purpose, as He created each one of you. I have learned unconditional love through his unconditional love for me. Apart from Him I am nothing. It says the beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord. It is not a shaking fear, it is a reverance knowing where I came from and whose I am. I don't have to do anything to earn His love. There is no logical point of reference, I just believed. The void that I once felt has been filled by someone who loves me so deeply and knows my every word before they are even spoken. Because I have that knowledge that no matter where I am, what I am doing, that He is thinking about me and has my best interest in mind I walk throughout life, knowing that I am never alone. He died to save me from myself, and He has transformed my life and restored me from my baggage and brokeness. Because I know what He has done for me, it is the very source for my love of others.
From a grateful heart, love flows. Sometimes love is hard, I don't always feel like it. Sometimes it comes freely, but He has brought MANY people in my life past and present to love. I look back and realize that He has surrounded me all of my life with people who love Him just as much as I do and others who need Him as much as I once did and still do.
One of the greatest gifts He has given me is relationship. It has been said that many people can only count best friends on one hand. I have had many over my lifetime through different seasons. They are to be held on dearly to, to be treasured and to thank God for during that special season. I guess I always knew how to love my neighbor as myself, my eyes just weren't always open to see what already existed. Today as I look over messages from those who have sent special wishes and blessings my way, I realize how blessed I have been throughout my life through relationship.
The next decades of my life, I want to live "intentionally", to live with open hands, an open heart, to serve others. I know He wants me to speak less, listen more, love more unconditionally, hug more often, use more words of grace to encourage the hearts of others, all for only one thing, to point others to Jesus. I want each one of you to know how much value and worth that you have because you have been created in His image. Thank you for your love and words of encouragement today. It was one of the greatest birthdays ever!
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