From the time I was a little girl, I had a reoccuring dream. I used to dream that I would fly away from home; soaring above like a bird, with my arms straight out like wings, over trees and fields and wildflowers. Sometimes I would fly slowly, others I would speed along, seeing how far I could go and how much I could see. The scenery was above the countryside, never the landscape of a city. I had the dream again and again in different places until I was around 30.
I always wondered what it meant. But I think I now know. God created each of us to be unique. For a large part of my life, I think I tried to conform into the box that others put me in and I think I truly just wanted to be me. It takes a long time to figure out what that is. One of the best scenes in a movie that I can relate to was from a chick flick, The Runaway Bride. She keeps running away just as she is about to get married, but she goes into a cafe and has a conversation about what kind of eggs she likes to eat. Whomever she is engaged to at the time, she eats the kind of eggs that they like. She tries all different styles until she realizes how she likes them cooked for herself. Life can be so frustrating and binding when you try to be someone you really aren't to please others.
There are no two people alike. Members of a family have characteristics that are somewhat a like and yet, we are all different.
I love to sing and play the piano. I love cookies and brownies. Peanut butter is one of my most favorite things in the world, just a spoonful will do. My favorite color is purple. I love the smell of christmas trees and kids and puppies newly bathed. I love to write and sit and listen to how a person's life has been transformed, how they are learning new things about God's plan for them in life. I love to plant flowers and watch them grow and bloom. My favorite places on the planet are Hawaii and Steamboat Springs Colorado. I love to hike and look for wildflowers and see how high the trees reach up to the sky. I love to hear the rustling of the leaves and the sound of the wind through the forest. I love to go to Indiana and pick strawberries, raspberries and blueberries. I love to bake and have people over for dinner. I love to read. It is easy for me to see the bright side of things, even when things are difficult!
I am very random. To clean house from one end to the next is very difficult for me. I start in one room and end up in another putting things away having difficulty finishing one task. I have a hard time eating right and exercising at the same time. It is hard for me to concentrate on one let alone changing a lifestyle for both. I don't like being in a small space with a lot of people pushing and shoving. I have a hard time filing paperwork and avoiding stacks of paper and magazines. It is very hard for me to sit still and be quiet. I like to change subjects and only my husband can stay with me. It comes easy for me to start a project, difficult to finish. I store up emotions until I can't contain them anymore.
We all have likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses. We eventually find a place to use our gifts and talents and ways to overcome our weaknesses. I think that is one reason God created marriage, was to complete the other person. My spouse has different strengths then I do. Together, we make a great team. But the challenge is to allow the other person grace and to be able to forgive them and overlook their weaknesses. We want the same kind of acceptance as well.
There is peace and contentment knowing that God made me just the way I am and He is pleased with me. Although I do some things well, there are others that I need to work on and at times I know that I can rely on others for they can do the job so much better than I can.
He wants all of us to soar like eagles. He wants us all to be free from wishing that we were someone else or with a different life. He can use all of what I am for His glory. Although I have made mistakes, I will continue to make them in this journey called life, He will always love me for He created me in His image. Although I will always be a work in progress, He has given me a purpose while I am here and you have a purpose too!
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