Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A Cure for the Give Me's

A Lesson in Contentment
For I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. Philippians 4:11-12

It starts young. Will you buy me a pack of gum? Can I have a quarter for that candy machine by the door? Can we buy a new movie? No, no, no, how many ways can I say no? Do you think if you ask me the same question 15 times the answer will change? "Well, maybe I can break her down", they have it the back of their minds.

Veggie tales, a set of children's movies had a video of Madame Blueberry. I must have made my sweet girl Abby watch it 100 times when she was little to cure her case of the give me's. No wonder she still doesn't eat blueberries. It was about a talking blueberry who had a bad case of the give me's and overloaded her tree house with so much "stuff" that it bent the tree over and she lost everything.

Are we any different? Most of us have an apartment, condo or house to live in. We have furniture and things to make us comfortable. And yet, we always want bigger and better. One of the best books I have every read on parenting is Shepherding a Child's Heart by Ted Tripp. When they talk about disciplining your child they talk about not just treating the symptoms. Often a character problem such as griping and complaining has a root cause. Do you know what it is? When we always want more, we have an ungrateful heart, not being thankful or content with what we have.

In the past year, I have been looking at my life as it stands today. What will I take with me into eternity? Nothing! What things could I do without? Why is it that I have overflowing "stuff" with no place to put it? We continue to go through our things and give away what we aren't using or don't need. Why is it that we hold on so tightly to all that we own? Or does it own and control us?

Another key for me to living the abundant life is being content not with just what I have but also being thankful for the life that He has given me; my family, friends, church, extended family! All that has been given to me, has been given to me by My Heavenly Father who is the giver of all good gifts. I need to learn to thank Him more and wish for less!!!

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