Saturday, September 28, 2013

The Uniform Makes the Man

Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity, show yourself an example of those who believe.
I Timothy 4:12

Walking around the park this morning, I observed a group of boys, from small to large, all standing side by side in their uniforms. I thought what a difference a uniform can make. Off the field, a boy can by a boy, goofing off, pulling pranks, not paying attention. Once that boy puts on shoulder pads and a helmet, he no longer takes the stance of being chidlike or weak. He stands taller, he works harder, more is expected of him.

I started to think about all the men who wear uniforms for their careers.

A pilot puts on a uniform and he transforms from being a husband, father, son to being the man in charge of a very expensive piece of machinery and is responsible for the lives of many every time he takes off and lands. A police officer puts on a uniform and becomes a person of authority, upholding the laws and rules of our land. They are people that are feared, and revered because they can ultimately change the destiny of those who break the law. A military person, puts on a uniform and immediately stands taller, prouder, trained to keep the lives of their fellow officers and the lives of their country safe. A firefighter puts on their uniform trained in emergency services to answer when called to help with medical emergencies or are put into dangerous positions all of the time putting out fires, protecting people and property from harm. Many of these individuals put their life on the line time and time again, serving others without thought or fear of what it could personally cost them. As a matter of fact, most occupations wear a uniform, serving others.

It dawned on me today that being part of team, learning discipline and respect of authority to play a sport is only life training, forming boys to be men, to provide for their families, to respect those in authority, to look out for their co-workers and friends and to work hard.  In a society where at times, we try to make boys into girls, how thankful I am for coaches who are forming and preparing our boys to be leaders for generations to come.

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