Monday, June 13, 2011

Religion or Relationship

"You can't go to the movies. You can't go to the dance. You can't play cards. Don't drink, don't smoke, don't go out with boys who do". The list went on and on. For some, this list continues on still today. You can have a list as a catholic, as a practicing jew or as a Christian as 80% or more of what Americans call themselves. You have to read your bible daily, be a church member, attend church at least once a week, do some kind of community service and pray. People attend church for all kinds of reasons. Some attend for business contacts or social events. Others just think it is what they should do or have their kids theire while others "fill the square" on Easter and Christmas. Is there anything wrong with any of these things? No! All of them are necessary and beneficial. However, it is the intent behind following the law. The law without love for the one who wrote the law is only religion. Religion is following the checklist so you can call yourself a good person, better than the next because you do all of these things.

I know, I lived under the rule of "living the checklist" or legalism the majority of my life. My parents loved Jesus, there is no doubt about it. My dad certainly lived it. However, I think there are still churches out there that have missed something by teaching the long list of do's and don'ts only. Now we have lived in a culture that teaches the opposite extreme. They teach that God is all about grace. He loves us and out of His love bestows love and grace freely, which is a true statement. But the grace that He bestows also came at a price, His son on the cross. While I don't have to earn it, I just have to receive it, there is also an accountability and responsibility that comes with receiving that grace. It's called relationship with Jesus Christ. All I have to do is ask for His forgiveness and I am restored into having a relationship with Him. However, out of my love for Him, I want to surrender my will to His and to do all that He has asked of me because I love and trust Him.

Religion is just going through the motions of rituals just for the sake of following the rules. Relationship is willingly choosing to follow Jesus and wanting to please Him because I trust all that He has said is true. We have known and loved people who believe on both sides of the fence. I believe that life with Jesus is probably somewhere down the middle. God is a God of love and grace but He is also a perfect God, Holy in all of His character. He hasn't changed from the God who in the Old Testament wiped out thousands of people for their lack of love for Him and their sinful ways.  It is true, He loves everyone and wants no one to perish, but He also gives us a choice to choose to love and follow Him.

You can't pick and choose the characteristics of God that you want to highlight and discard the others. He is all powerful, all knowing, Holy, righteous (without sin), Sovereign, full of goodness and mercy, loving, Infinite and and everywhere at all times. To have a relationship you have to study the person that you are wanting a relationship with. You have to spend time with them and talk to them. You have to be a listener as well as one who speaks. A relationship is a two way street, give and take. Often people want to only ask things from God.

Often I ask myself, what is required of me to be His follower? It always goes back to His two greatest commandments, EVERYTHING in life falls into one of the two categories, Love the Lord God with all your heart, soul and mind and Love your neighbor as yourself.

Where do you find yourself? Do you just want to have "religion" in your life or do you want to have an abundant life by having a relationship with Jesus? Religion always leaves you feeling as if there is something missing in my life. Relationship with Jesus helps fill the voids in my life!

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