A random act of kindness, a cup of cold water, a hug to a lonely lady, a visit to the elderly, a phone call to a distant friend; just a single act can affect the lives of many.
I have a dear friend who was deeply touched by the distaster and devastation in Japan. She and her kids created a book, donating all of the proceeds for the children of Japan. Out of her own compassion and desire to make a difference she is doing something for someone else, www.asmallgift4awish.com.
How do you remove yourself from your own world and have a bigger vision for the needs around you? This past week our family was part of Stop World Hunger, packing meals for children in other countries. By actually serving, our kids were part of seeing the fact that there are many children around the world who don't have food or very little of what is given to them. There are over 300 verses in the bible that talking about providing for the poor. I don't really believe though that people just have physical needs to make them poor.
I look around me and there are so many hurting people, hurting marriages, broken families. When I see a need right in front of me, am I so busy or caught up in my daily routine that I can't see it, or do I make a conscious choice to stop and help meet that person's need? Sometimes I get so distracted that I don't even see a need in my own family. How many times do I stop and pray for the lost, those who are losing their homes and businesses in our very own state in this massive fire? Do I continue to remember and pray for the families who have lost their homes in the recent tornados?
We have another friend who just lost his wife a few days ago. People will remember him in the coming days and for a couple weeks to come. But will they remember him in the months and years to come, adjusting to the life of being a single dad? We have short attention spans, thinking and praying for people in the short term but if the problem lingers for months and years to come, those people who have experienced loss are forgotten while they rebuild their homes, schools, lives after the tragedy they have faced. Loss and trials in our own lives helps us to be more compassionate, more giving, more serving to others.
So how can we make a difference? When you have a passion or have emphathy for someone that God brings into your path and tells you to serve them in some way, listen. Give of your time and financial resources, just get involved. One person can affect the lives of many. When you read the New Testatment I am so in awe that Jesus wasn't just one who talked, there were actions behind His words. He healed the sick, He fed the thousands, He washed his disciples feet. I think we are also called not to just "talk" but also to physically "serve".
What has God laid on your heart to do to make a difference in the lives around you???
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