Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever. Hebrews 13:8
We just left Middle School behind. We have entered into a new phase with Abby attending a new school. She has been taking a note taking class this summer to prepare her for the next step, high school. There are so many mixed emotions walking into this new phase. There will be high school games, dates, driving school. We have great anticipation for new friends and new experiences but also with emotions of sadness. I am quite certain that I will blink my eyes and our girl will be moving away from home for the first time.
Each year I gain new piano students and some leave and move away. It is exciting to embrace new people and sad to say goodbye! New friends come into our lives and others find new interests apart from us. Some times it is hard to look back and remember what once was, how paths were so entertwined and then it is changed, relationships that once were are now just faded memories. It makes me realize that you have to enjoy the moments when you have them, to play and laugh and live in the present when they come.
As we get older, the people that we love are also growing older. We watch parents and grandparents' health decline and become more frail. At times we wish we could just stop time, to hold on to our kids and keep them at their current age, to hold onto to those we love and keep them here with us for just a short time more without having to say goodbye, to recapture relationships that once were so close and now are so distant.
My mind still has me in my 30's and at times my body seems to differ with my state of mind. I smile and see small lines around my eyes. I can't stop time, changing me or the ones around me. Some of our friends have watched their kids graduate this year and they will be entering college. They will have to learn how to cope with being a parent with a child they love living so far from home and what to do with their life of solitude. Life never stands still.
At times it is hard to process, so many emotions to deal with. Each phase of life I learn something new. He teaches me so many lessons in walking through changes with others. Sometimes I walk through the phases first and help someone who is going through the phase behind me, sometimes I watch someone else walk through the phase first and pray that they will be there to hold my hand when I have to let go.
With all of life's changes, there is only one constant, Jesus Christ. He never changes, He promises that no matter what happens to me in my life, He will always walk through life beside me. I have nothing to fear for He is there beside me, helping me embrace change.
This was something that totally spoke to me! Everything that you wrote is so true and have felt this way so much. Thank you for writing this Faith! It is a great reminder that the road I am walking today, I am not walking alone. Blessings!