Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and your gates. Deuteronomy 6:5-9
Father's Day is always bittersweet for me! I love that we can celebrate Paul but I also walk through the card isle with a lump in my throat, remembering...
This is how my dad looked to many; on a Sunday morning, at a wedding, or a funeral, my dad had several different colors depending on the occasion. This was his work outfit to me. I always thought he looked so handsome all dressed up! He was always so careful to make sure his tie was the sharpest part of the outfit! I went to church with him every Sunday morning at 6:30 a.m to fold bulletins. He was studying in his office for his sermons. Dad had so much knowledge of the Bible and had such a humble way of sharing with others how much Jesus loves us! We were there every time the door opened until everyone had left and the door was locked. Dad instilled in us the importance of being a part of a church family and honoring God by spending the Sabbath at church!

Dad was always faithful and supportive of our family. He was serious and committed to the work of the kingdom but I loved the fact that he loved me unconditionally and believed in me. He always told me that with God's help I could achieve anything that I set my mind to. He also reminded me many times that I am here on this earth for a specific purpose.

This is the man that no one outside of the family got to see. Dad LOVED to fish! We would sit in the boat at sun up and as the sun was setting for almost every family vacation in the upper penisula of Michigan. My dad was always layed back. He was such a patient teacher and out of his love for me and his kind heart, he would always put the worm on the hook and take the fish off. I hated both of those jobs and he got so much joy out of doing those things for me. He wanted to take me in the boat more than my mom or my brother. My mom didn't really like going and my brother had a hard time sitting still quietly or without banging the bottom of the boat. We NEVER caught anything with them on our excursions! It was my special time with him and we always exchanged fish stories; who caught the most and whose was the biggest.

Dad had a spirit of adventure. He tried water skiing three years before he passed away at age 60. I was so proud of him. He kept trying until he got up, did one pass around and was so tired that he let go. I loved seeing his smile of accomplishment and his perseverance!
Dad loved animals; both our dogs when I was growing up and Lady our first dog! Dad came to live with us for about four months when he moved to Arizona. I loved spending time with him and was sad when my mom finally joined him after selling their house in MD. Little did I know how blessed I would be to spend that time with him when just a few short years he would leave us for years to come.
Dad was so proud of his grandkids. Here he is holding Dylan for the very first time. At the time, you never really realize how precious pictures are until they are the only memories left of someone you loved so dearly. I have always been so sad that Dylan would never remember his grandfather or that he would never have the experience of his grandpa teaching him how to fish. Now out of reluctance, I am the one who puts the worm on the hook and wiggles the fish off of the hook when we send them back in.
This was our last Christmas together! He always brought such warmth and I always felt so loved when he would hug me and tell me how much he loved me. I don't remember what presents were given that year but you can see on Abby's face how much she loved Christmas and loved having him there too with us!
On March 26, 2003 I lost one of the four most important men in my life. I looked up to him for everything! He was one of the most Godly men I have ever known. He had his weaknesses but there weren't many. He influenced the lives of hundreds of people because He had a love for Jesus. People say that time heals all wounds. I have to say, when you love someone that deeply, the void in your heart never goes away and no one can ever replace that person. While they are so much a part of who you are, you never stop missing hearing their voice, feeling their touch or wanting to be in their presence once again.
Dad taught me a lot about life, how I see things, how I view others, how I look at eternity. He didn't teach me how to play ball or the piano, how to bake or how to use computers. He did spend many hours in the car with me late at night on trips talking about Jesus, his commandments and His love for me. I picture God being kind and compassionate, humble and quiet spirited because that is the earthly father that I had. While my dad was serious and strict, I also knew that He loved me with all of his heart. I am the person that I am today because my dad invested so much of himself into my life. I cannot wait for the day when it is my time to leave this earth. Heaven is for real and I am so thankful that he is waiting for me and all of the people that I love to join him. I am confident that he is one of the first people that I will see when I get there.
Until then, he passed on the torch to us...Impress the love of Jesus and His commandments on the hearts of your children and all of the souls that surround me. May I be found faithful til the end as He was!