Thursday, November 17, 2011

Don't Tempt Me

There have been so many tv shows, cartoons and things said about having the devil on your shoulder or the good angel and the bad angel trying to get you to do the wrong thing or the right thing. Do you think any of these things really exist???

God has placed within us, since we were small children a conscience. We know right from wrong, the question is who are we going to listen to. Satan is real. He is in a constant battle with God for our souls. He disguises himself as an angel of light, however everything he does and is represents darkness. Everything he wants you to get involved in looks like fun, full of pleasure, giving you satisfaction but it is all just temporary. In the end, you are hooked, addicted, making you feel guilt and shame and it brings you far away from God.

How does he hook us? Temptations...It's plain and simple. In Matthew Chapter 4 we read the account of when Jesus started his ministry He himself was tempted three times. Jesus had been in the desert for 40 days. He was hungry and tired. Satan told him to turn stones into bread. Could he have done that? Yes, Jesus was God. He was asking him to use His power as a human. I think Satan was creating doubt in Jesus' mind, will God truly provide for my needs? Jesus' response was "Man does not live by bread alone but on every word from the mouth of God."

The second temptation was "Throw yourself off the mountain if you are God and the angels will save you?" Jesus' response was "Do not put the Lord your God to the test!" Satan was daring God to rescue Jesus. What was the purpose in this one you might ask? Will God protect you and save you?

The third tempation was "If you will bow down to me I will give you all of the Kingdoms on earth to you." Are you kidding me? Who created the earth in the first place? Were the kingdoms on earth his to give away? Jesus' response was my favorite. He said, "Away from me Satan, worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only." This verse is also a mirror of Deuteronomy 6:16, which says, Fear the Lord your God, serve Him only.

Do you see how ludicrous Satan is with Jesus? He is planting doubts, offering the world to Him when He truly full of smoke and mirrors. He is truly the author of all lies. What did he say to Adam and Eve when they wanted to eat off of the Tree of Good and Evil, "You will be like God, if you eat this."He is offering man what he has no power to give. In every one of his lies, there is no power or authority.

Jesus took on human form so he would understand what it was like to be human. He experienced being tired and hungry, stressed and overwhelmed from daily life. Satan doesn't tempt us to make wrong choices when we are well rested, full of joy and surrounded by other people who love Jesus. He gets to us when we are alone and worn down.

We have a choice to make concerning who we will listen to when we are making choices for our lives. You can't sit on the fence. We all have a choice to listen to the voices sitting upon our shoulders. Which one do you listen to? The voice that brings life, or the voice that will bring you into destruction? The next time you are caught at a crossroad, remember Jesus' words, "Away from me Satan, worship the Lord your God and serve Him only." He will flee if you remember the words of Jesus!

You choose!

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