Monday, May 30, 2011

Freedom isn't Free

You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature, rather serve one another in love. The entire law is summed up in a single command: Love your neighbor as yourself. Galations 5:13-14

For hundreds of years, men and women have given their lives and sacrificed much to preserve the right to be free; freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the right to choose what I believe. They have served my generation as well as the generations previous to ours. For some of us, war and sacrifice has never touched our lives. Some don't think about what it has cost many, hundreds of thousands; grandfathers and fathers, mothers, sons, daughters and friends.

Why do you think men and women willingly enter the military? They serve for the love of their country and like Galations says, to serve others. For generations, people have opposed war, taking a politcal stand forgetting to support the men and women behind the uniforms.

I thank God for all the people before me to the present who sacrificially serve on my behalf and yours to maintain our freedom. There are people who serve, who come back wounded, who lose their lives so I can speak freely, so I can choose the church that I want to attend. They deserve our highest respect, our prayers, our words of encouragement and thankful hearts for paying to maintain our freedoms.

In a sense, they have followed the example of Jesus. My freedom from death and my gift of eternal life wasn't free either. Someone had to pay the price in my place...Jesus with his death on the cross and His resurrection.

Take a moment to think about the people who are living out God's second greatest commandment, Love your neighbor as yourself. Whether you agree with Afghanistan or Iran, have a grateful heart for those who love those in the United States who continue to fight for our freedoms!

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