Thursday, April 25, 2013

Turning the Other Cheek

A soft answer turns away wrath! Proverbs 15:1

Several weeks back, I was out and about with my daughter. As I usually do, I started making light conversation with one of my daughter's friends. All of a sudden her mom came storming in like thunder just yelling at me. She accused me of several things. Her rant went on for several minutes.

I have to admit, I have been known to stick my foot in my mouth or say the wrong thing at the wrong time. This time, my motives were pure, my words full of grace. It was like I was struck by lightening without just cause! It took me hours to unreal from the lashing that I took without justification, all for the sake of just being friendly. My first reaction was utter shock, I humbly apologized with only great vengeance in return. The most shocking thing about the episode was that this woman in the past has made great effort to acknowledge that she is a Christian. I won't go there except to say that at that very moment, I wasn't quite feeling the quiet gentle voice of the Savior, I was feeling the wrath and the accusatory voice of you know who! My second wave of emotion was really? I was feeling a little annoyed, Ok it wasn't just a little. I kept replaying the video in my head how insanely she had reacted.

Finally I stepped back from the situation and tried to analyze the cause behind the rant. Was she in  midlife crisis? Was there an explosion in her home that morning and I was the closest whipping post? Had bitterness built up in her about the opinions from others and I was the tip of the iceberg? I had hoped that her daughter was out of ear shot from the whole ugly scene. I know if it were mine she would be highly embarrased. I didn't wish that on her sweet daughter who knew the intentions of our conversation. Many days later her daughter called mine to apologize for the behavior of her mom. It made me feel badly for her.

As I walked through my day, I decided to take a different course, one that I sadly don't take very often. In the quietness of my car, I bowed my head. I asked the Lord to be with her that day. I asked God's blessing on her in the midst of her own inner turmoil. I wish that was always my first response. I have to be honest and admit that I don't always take the high road, and furthermore, it wasn't my first response. I made a comment first to a couple of people close to me how I had been unjustly slighted. I wish I would have bowed my head first. It is amazing what happened to me when I prayed for her. It was like He took a burden off my shoulders that I didn't have to carry.

I can't say that I will be the first to jump in her path. I haven't seen her since. Actually after you are bitten, you don't quite want to walk down the same road again. I'm not sure what all the lessons were from that experience, but thankfully God brought to mind that a soft answer turns away wrath and to pray for your enemies. One of our former pastors used to say that true character comes out when we are bumped. Thankfully He doesn't allow me to be bumped like that too often, oh maybe I shouldn't have said that too loud. I guess when we aren't looking the lightening can come at any unexpected moment! How I respond is up to me!

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