Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sowing Seeds in the Young

Be slow to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.

When our youth pastor asked me to be a counselor for our youth camp two weeks ago I came with many reservations. After wrestling with God most of the night after I was asked, I asked Him to give me a peace. In the quiet hours of the morning it was like He was speaking to my heart that there was a divine purpose for me going. The verse above was the verse that He gave me for the week. It had been many years since I had walked along side of youth. I have been involved with kids, and women's ministries for the past 15 years. I decided that I would come with open hands and an open heart giving whatever I had to whomever he brought into my path. Almost instantly I felt a bond to all of the girls in my quad and almost an instant connection with my roommate and the girls in our small group, all 16 of them.

Many things happened during the week; distractions, diversions. Some things were just kids being kids, others were more serious. Each day we prayed for the kids feeling like God was going to do something big in the lives of the 42 kids that were entrusted into our care. There was a particular night when Ryan, our pastor was speaking. We had several people come through our outdoor seating area talking loudly, planes flying overhead, and just before the "feet washing ceremony" a black rat was threatening to run between the rows of where the students were sitting. I prayed for God to run him in a different direction. He heard and answered as the little fellow ran down into a vent in the cement. I even had a student who had food poisoning and became so sick that she had to be taken to urgent care. God's plans cannot be thwarted. Some would describe all of the events as a natural occurrence. I think it was all far more of a spiritual nature. When God has plans to do the miraculous, Satan LOVES to send distractions. God is greater, and praying God's Word and claiming victory in the name of Jesus and the blood that was shed on the cross, gives the power to overcome.

Sometimes events take place that are sad.  I witnessed our group being very loving and full of grace over the week that they were together. It is one thing for an adult to share the love of Jesus, not by their words but by deeds. It is a whole different story when it comes from a peer.

How privileged I felt to listen to the stories of the students on the last night of how God had transformed their life. That is what God does with His unconditional love and mercy regardless of what we say or do. Seeds were planted, seeds of God's love for us displayed through the life of a group of students. It is my prayer that God will continue to grow those seeds that were planted in the days to come through the friendships that were made in Malibu California. How proud I am of all the kids. Our youth group is different, closer. I pray that their lives will change our church and in the schools that they all represent!!! Never look down on those who are young. Their passion and zeal can touch the lives of those that we can't touch and they can strengthen the faith of those who have a deep and abiding love with Jesus!

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