Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Jesus in the Flesh

For the past six weeks we have learned as a family what it is like to raise a puppy. Mollie is small and cuddly, gives endless amounts of kisses and loves to crawl up on your chest and snuggle around your neck to take a nap. Every where she goes people want to hold her and snuggle with her. Although she requires a lot of care, she really doesn't ask for any thing. You can yell at her for not making it through the doggy door and she will still come back to you waiting for hugs and kisses...

Do the people in your world do the same? If you don't perform or say or do the right things when they want you to do them, do they still shower you with hugs, kisses and words of admiration expecting nothing in return?

Unfortunately, I don't think most of human nature works like that. If you have a few people in your life like that you are truly blessed. How blessed I am to have my grandma and grandpa still with us here on earth. Grandpa turned 91 this year in August, Grandma 90 in September. They have been a constant picture of unconditional love throughout my ENTIRE life! They have loaned money, brought meals, bought clothes, donated cars, given countless money to charitable organizations out in the middle of no where. I have never heard them say one unkind word about any of their children or grandchildren or any friend, no matter what choices people have made, good or bad, even if it went against their opinion. They have opened up their homes and their hearts to strangers showing the love of Jesus.

Almost every birthday of my life, my grandparents drove hours to bring me a special cake. When I was little my mom made all of my clothes because we didn't have the money to buy them in the store. Once a year they would buy me a special dress that was always my favorite for the year. It wasn't the physical things that they did for me that meant the most to me. It was sitting on their front porch eating watermelon, watching fireflies, walking hand in hand to the park across the street, playing games and sitting around the table for MANY home cooked meals.

As I have watched them fade away for the past five years, grandma slowing losing her mind (she has dimentia) and now both of them almost not even walking or being able to stand, it doesn't matter how they look, smell or even the fact that they can't always remember what I have said or if I have been there or called. When I walk into the room, I always get the bright smile, the warm hugs, the simple I love you, you made my day by spending a few moments with us, I understand so very clearly the depth of Christ's love through the flesh of Mark and Mary.

They are basically forgotten members of society, just sitting in an retirement center, passing each day by waiting to go to the next meal, a visit, or phone call, waiting to be released from this life. Although their one little bedroom apt is small, it is the place where they feel safe and call their home. When you walk in, you feel the love of Jesus. To me, they have lived the love of Jesus more than most people I have come across in my lifetime. How blessed I have been that they have touched my life in such a deep place, gently leading me to The True Originator of unconditional love...

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life...(John 3:16) Do you get that? God wanted a relationship so badly with me, that He sent His ONLY son to die in my place because I had sin in my life that prohibited me from having a relationship with Him...

Could I give my son up on your behalf? Never, sorry! Do I extend unconditional love to my family and friends? Am I Jesus in the flesh to those around me? Am I gracious when I see needs around me and am willing to sacrifice what I have to help others? What a legacy to leave behind that another can say, he/she taught me what it was to love unconditionally...

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