My first challenge of the year was given by one of our pastors, Jared...
Ezekial 36: 26-28 "I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a new heart put a new spirit in you; I will remove your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws.
My first lesson to finding joy was forgiveness...Defined: to grant free pardon and to give up all claim on account of an offense or debt". For most of us, the greatest offenses are most often committed by a close family member or a friend of the heart. We are most vulnerable to the people we love because we spend the majority of our emotional energy on loving them, supporting them, walking life with them. When they do something or say something to us that disappoints us, at times we have a hard time processing the hurt and anger, therefore it results in bitterness and unforgiveness. Jesus commands those who love HIM to forgive others. Although it is a command, it is also a choice. He forgives us with the same measure that we forgive others. Really, are you serious? If I don't forgive others, HE won't forgive me? That's what HE says!!!
For me, this has been a life long process, one that I believe I will have trouble with until I reach the other side. I'm not talking about little minor offenses, one time occurences. I 'm talking about disappointments that are justified like a friend leaving you behind or a relative accusing you of something that you did not do or a your child being continually hurt by a friend or teacher.
In order to hear the voice of the Father, I realized that it could take just one instance of unforgiveness toward one individual or more than one, to put distance between me and my heavenly Father and after a period of time, before you know it, your heart starts to gradually not be so soft, until at one moment you realize it is cold and is starting to harden. The first step is to confess my own lack of forgiveness and then make a conscious choice to "grant free pardon" for all those who knowingly or unknowingly have slighted me in some way. It is at that point where I can hear the still small voices and HE opens my eyes to greater learning of the Word of God, to see the needs of others around me and to feel the Holy Spirit tapping me on the shoulder when I have said something or done something that dishonors the name of the Lord.
If I want to live a life of joy, I need to live a daily life of forgiveness...Will freely granting people forgiveness make everything better between me and the individual? No, in order for a relationship to be restored the offender must ask for forgiveness. However for my own sake not to be a bitter person, I must not hold any animosity toward any human for my own well being and my relationship with the Lord and do the best of my ability to live at peace with all men! For some of us, this is a hard task. But HE says all things are possible for them that Love the Lord. This may take numerous times of choosing to forgive and and letting go. It is much easier to put the offense out of your mind until the next time the same person offends you in a like manner. But the process is the same, 70x7...Maybe some day it will get a little easier! However, in the end, I gain a sense of peace and a little more joy is restored to my soul!
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