Sunday, November 3, 2013

Special Gift

17 years ago, on this day we were given a priceless treasure. I remember it as if it were yesterday. It is amazing how many things we forget and others that are tatooed in our memories. I loved every minute, every week, every month, every year, enjoying every stage and memory made. Now I blink and can't believe that all of these precious moments will be fewer and fewer in the days to come.

People used to say to me, don't ever wish any time away, don't for wish for the next moment, because they will go way too fast and you will never be able to go back in time. How true they were. Last week I was holding the hand of a special little girl walking into a grocery store. It was like a flash back in time, remembering holding Abby's hand, so tiny and small. I had a tear in my eye and a lump in my throat remembering the past. Now our precious girl is taller than me. I used to take her everywhere with me, not minding ever having only a spare few moments away for myself.

We have walked many life journey's together. How I have always loved her personality. She has a quiet, gentle spirit. We used to call her Pippy Longstocking because she has always had a style of her own. When everyone else was clammering to be one of the crowd, our girl always knew what was comfortable or represented who she was. She always stood for what was right and was quick to respond when making a mistake. Abby sees things in black and white and wants justice for those who are treated unfairly or wrongly, especially herself. Abby has always had a heart for the lost and the broken hearted. People often mistake her compassionate heart for weakness. She is truly a well balanced loving friend and family member. Watch your back if you stab someone that she loves in the back, she has a fiercely loyal spirit!

I have always said that Abby is an old soul in a young woman's body. She has been given the gift of discernment and her quiet demeanor allows her to listen and interpret others' words and actions and she has the ability to come up with a wise summation of how situations should be solved. Her peace-making spirit at times becomes a burden that even the world's best body builders couldn't carry however, maturity is teaching her who is the ultimate One to release those to.

So many people told me that the teenage years were to be feared. I still wait for those moments to appear. I think every relationship is like withdrawals and deposits into a bank. If you have invested a lot of time, effort and involvement in the life of a child, you will find the same return. However, if there is nothing invested, there will be no relationship at this point and for years to come. We enjoy walking life with our kids. Hopefully when they grow old, they will still want a relationship with us.

She has far exceeded how I pictured her to be when she was young. Hardships and trials, joys and victories are all woven into the tapestry of her character and who she is becoming. Each year I see her becoming more independent, more mature, more responsible, more confident, more wise. While she still makes mistakes, I see how quickly she is to analyze what she can take from them and do things differently. She works hard, she is an excellent student, a faithful friend, an awesome rider, seeking to pursue excellence in everything that she strives for.

If this sounds like a tribute, it is, to my birthday girl. How proud we are to have such an awesome daughter. Not every parent is as blessed as we are to have such a wonderful girl. It is exciting to watch doors open, to pray for the next steps of where Abby is going and how God is going to use her life for His glory. Happy Birthday Abby. May your year ahead be filled with many special memories, faithful friends who truly love and accept you just the way you are and may you feel God's love and His presence everywhere you look! May He continue to bless you, to keep you and to make His face shine upon you. With all my love Abby....Mom

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