Monday, June 3, 2013

Wedded Bliss

24 years, a long time for some, was a blink of an eye for me! It is amazing to me how life experiences, children and time can change the course of your life. The day you say I do, you have so many plans and dreams and life takes you on an adventure with many twists and turns.

Each year that passes, I learn so much more about myself and the man that I met so many years ago. Some people get the one year itch, the five year itch, the seven year itch, the 20 year itch. When we said I do, we said we wouldn't say the "D" word in our house. There are many fabulous days and a few here and there that are not so fabulous. Anyone that tells you otherwise, either has a problem with reality or is a straight out liar. We all live with our strengths and our weaknesses. Much of life is about compromise and acceptance of who you chose as a life mate. As you learn to love your spouse unconditionally, it is easier to weather the storms and the suprises that come your way.

Having a spouse makes us complete, or they compliment us. Marriage is created to fill in the gaps of where we are weak. When I think of my life, there are so many areas where I fall short and Paul comes in and saves the day! It is easy to put on a "I have my act together" to others, but our spouse knows the real truth, there is no hiding! I think the picture of being on the same team is huge. So many distractions can keep two people from heading together on the same path, however it is a choice to find things to do together and enjoy being together. Change is inevitable, kids grow up and move on. Relationship is what ties people together over time.

I find so many wonderful qualities in Paul that I am seeing passed on to our kids such as loyalty to their friends, honesty and faithfulness to family. He is a very hardworker and works to make sure they have the same work ethic. I love how Paul is spontaneous and has passed on his adventurous spirit. I also love how he is the leader of our family and tries to instill in the kids how important Christ and being part of a church family is so important.

I am so thankful I married Paul years ago and for his love and devotion to me. I know my dad must be proud, he always wanted to know that I was being well taken care of in his absence.

Here's to many more!!!

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