Sunday, May 26, 2013


Many of us wonder what people would say about us when we pass on, a tribute, kind words of thanks. There are probably only a few times we can count on one hand when someone honors us with their words.

I had the pleasant surprise of reading a tribute recently that a young writer wrote about me. Her writing was so clear and concise, just the kind of person that you would choose to write your biography if one was so inclined. She was so eloquent in capturing my heart. Hearing and being able to reproduce one's thoughts and spoken words is a true gift, one that only a few behold.

As I finished, I felt so humbled. My mind quickly turned to John 15. It says "I am the vine, you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit, apart from me you can do nothing...If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done to you. This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples."

The things that she heard me say, and the way she sees me live is because Jesus lives in me. There is nothing that I can take credit for myself. I've asked the Lord to use me with an open heart and open hands. Sometimes when we pray, we are tempted to take credit when the Lord shows up and answers. However, we in and of ourselves have no power to change anyone. It is only the Holy Spirit that can draw a soul to Himself. We are simply earthly vessels to be used by Him to point others to Jesus.

To be more specific, without Jesus, I have the power to do nothing. It has taken me a lifetime to understand that Jesus is the King of Kings, the one with all the Power, the ability to give men authority, and the one to diminish one's power. He gives us wealth and He has the power to take it away. He is Sovereign, yet He loves us enough to allow us to make our own freewill choices. It is only because of the cross, that my life has been transformed, and that He is willing to use an imperfect being like me.

Thank you, my young friend for noticing how I'm striving to be more like Him. There can be no higher compliment than someone saying, you are somehow different, you look familiar, you resemble someone that I know. My prayer is that as I grow older, I will look more like HIM!

1 comment:

  1. You have true gift of drawing us to the Lord and showing us the right path to get there. But the most important part is teaching us what do when we do! love you lots, Judy
