Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Anticipating 2012

2011 is almost over. My quest for the answer of what abundant living is will continue on in the years to come. However, I learned many lessons about choosing joy in all circumstances throughout this past year. I felt like I had passed the test in November when my grandmother went heaven-bound and I felt sheer joy when she crossed to the other side. Inspite of my loss, I chose joy. Time and time again when life didn't go as I had planned I chose joy. Joy some would define as happiness. For me it held a deeper meaning beyond an emotion. It was an inner peace, an utter confidence believing that God is in control, that nothing that happens to me is beyond His knowledge or outside of His plan for my life. In the trials, tests and utter annoyances He uses everything to shape me to become more like Him.

Each year I ask Him to show me what character trait He wants me to work on in the year to come. Two years ago it was humility, last year it was the abundant life. For the past month I have felt like part of my quest will be that my words will be seasoned with grace until last night. The words leapt off of the page and I knew in my spirit that the year would hold an even deeper challenge...

Teach me your way, O Lord, and I will walk in your truth; GIVE ME AN UNDIVIDED HEART, that I may fear your name. Psalm 86:11

There are so many things that pull our heart away from God, so many priorties and tasks that we are responsible for on a daily basis. So many of us have jobs, spouses, kids, families, work and sports. We are pulled in so many different directions. When the world goes upside down where do you go? Do you spend time in the Word or prayer? Or do you have your other vices to cope?

There are so many parts to Psalm 86...Teach me your Way/ I will walk in Your truth / Give me an undivided heart / I may fear Your name.

It looks like I will have many lessons to learn this year in what causes me to have an undivided heart. What is Your way? What is Your truth? Where is my heart not fully trusting and leaning on God? Who is God and how do I fear and respect Him? One thing I know, He is going to rock me out of my comfort zone and put me in places where I am tested.

If you are up for a challenge, ask God to give you an area in your character that He wants to transform.

One thing I guarantee, your life will never be the same. I anticipate that God is going to challenge me and fulfill His purpose through me to further His kingdom and His will both in my life and the lives around me if I will just trust Him with an undivided heart.

Here's to you and 2012! Happy New Year!

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