All things work together for good to those that love Him.
So many of us spend so much time and energy going back to the past. What if I would have done this or that, what if I said this or wouldn't have said that? What if I would have made that choice or would have chosen differently? You can call it living with regrets, or second guessing what could have been or might have been that would cause you to live a different set of events in the present. Saying what if is like running in place or spinning your wheels when you are stuck in the mud. It is pointless, a useless waste of energy that sucks the life and joy out of your soul.
Last week as I was driving, I heard the still small voice that I often hear driving in silence. "What if Faith, your life is how I planned it." What if I have allowed everything in your life for a purpose, What if the "what if's" were specifically designed for you so that you would fully rely on me? Many people believe that they deserve to be happy, without stress, without tragedies, without trials and errors. However, there is no place in all of Scripture that promises anything remotely like that. There is no such thing as the perfect life! Every one of us looks for it and there is truly no such thing! We are all imperfect people. Not one of us is without sin or have not been broken. Broken people break others. We live in a broken world. It has been this way since Adam and Eve.
I am so thankful that God is control of life and not me. When the doubts come and I second guess myself, I remember that God loves me more than anyone else and that He knows what is best for me, even more than I know for myself. I know that He is not responsible for bad things that happen. His hand is upon me when life is going along effortlessly and He is there in difficult times too. I know and believe that He is All Powerful, All Knowing, Kind and Loving, everywhere at all times. This gives me confidence that in my weakness, I rest under the protection of His Loving care. It does not mean that I am isolated from evil, but because I am His child, no matter what happens to me today or in the future, He is with me now til eternity. There comes a confidence knowing that whatever has happened and what will happen in the future, He will use it for His glory.