Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Wrinkles should merely indicate where the smiles have been. Mark Twain

"Your life is a gift from the Creator. Your gift back to the Creator is what you do with your life." Billy Mills

Another year is behind me. Where have the days gone? Life seems to be passing too quickly and I can't stop the clock. Our son will be half way through middle school, our daughter will enter her last year of high school. I'm not prepared for what is to come in this next year. I don't think you ever plan for many things that happen in life to us . I'm so thankful I can't see the big picture of what is ahead. I think I might have a panic attack. 

As each year passes, life gets more serious, for our friends, and our family. Parents aging takes on new meaning, my generation feels the weight of being sandwiched in between raising children and taking care of elderly parents running in and out of the hospital. This year, people I love have lost loved ones; parents, sons. Yesterday, I visited with a dear friend who has been fighting cancer for over 15 years. Today we received news that one of my oldest and dearest friends has been diagnosed with a very serious illness. So much in life doesn't make sense, it is so hard to process all that is happening around us.  All of a sudden, the daily routines and rituals that at times are so consuming seem so small and unimportant.

Last year on this day, I spent the day celebrating my grandfather who had just passed away. This year, I am entering this day with a heavy heart for friends I love so dearly. Celebrating a birthday takes on new meaning for me. It means a new start, being more intentional and grateful for each day that God gives me breath and health and others to love. Summer is just around the corner. Work, life and my inability to say no when others ask me to do something, takes away from the hours I can spend quality time with my friends and family. While it is important to make a difference in the community around me, I also realize that it is important to invest in the lives of those that live within the walls that surround me. It is also important to be a better steward of the temporary body that God has given me and focus on being healthier. It is really hard for me to do that when I am always making others a priority.

My personal word for years has been "Intentional". I think my word for this upcoming year will be "Present". This means I will have to unplug more, listen, talk less, and become more available. When each day passes, I can't go back and retrieve it. I'm thankful for friends who have stood by my side all of these years and family who have learned to love me inspite of my imperfections. Regardless of my external appearance changing, I can still choose to live life of an optimist and choose Joy, for each day, there are hundreds of reasons to be thankful. 

Monday, May 12, 2014

To Mom with Love

I look through Facebook and see all of the posts, posted to women I have known throughout my lifetime; friends and family. They are all moms and grandmothers. I see many similarities from family to family. "Mom you were there for me all of these years."

 "Thank you for always being there. Thank you for supporting me!" An excerpt of my other card said "You help us with our problems and your devote your time to be with us."

How thankful I am for being part of lineage of great women who loved, prayed and supported their children. I am also thankful to be part of a bigger family, extended family, church family and friends who also share my passion to be the best mom I can be.

This is evident in all the pictures displayed from yesterday, moms at track meets, volleyball tournaments, soccer games, baseball games, football games, horse competitions, gymnastic competitions, fishing, hiking and playing at the park. Again and again it is evident that these are parents investing in the lives of their children, day in and day out.

From birth to when they breathe their last breath, mom is always there. I am reminded that the road is not always easy. In the baby and toddler years there are many sleepless nights, through sickness and various stages of life. Then comes the child declaring their independence and struggles of power, to becoming the coach not the mother and having to let their child fly away. The job of a mother is never ending. I have watched my friends watched their children walk down the aisle and then transition to being parents themselves and having to step back and let them grow and flounder. I have also watched those dear to me walk through their child having a terminal illness and watch them breathe their last breath.

A mother's job is never ending without trials or having to give their hearts away. However, it is evident in the child's post that the mothers' efforts don't go unnoticed for the daily investment in the life of their child receives many benefits; mostly in the eternal benefits that will one day be reaped. Some used to believe that being a mother was just providing food, clothing and shelter. Being a parent is so much more. It is also giving a child the emotional, spiritual and relational tools helping your child walk through life to see the bigger picture. Every person is created in God's image. Every person is created for a specific purpose while they are here on earth. It is the mother's job to help their child be the best that they can be, to fulfill their purpose. I am sure that there will be millions of mothers, regardless of race, culture or economic status that will one day hear the words "Well done, though good and faithful servant." They will hear these words, for they invested in the life of their child teaching them to go out and bless others. If you are a mom or are going to be a mom, just remember that it will be the most important investment you ever make! The rewards are greater than the investment!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Two Shakes of a Lamb's Tail

Each year that passes by, I am one year closer. Closer to what you are asking, Closer to seeing my dad once again. March 26, 2003 was one of the grimmest days of my life, when we unexpectedly lost my dad, 11 years ago.

This year is significant, in February, my parents would have celebrated their 50th anniversary. They only made it to 39. Each year that passes, I find that I am more and more like my dad. I remember when he started aging, physically. At times, I feel like I am racing against the clock, although longevity is in my genes, my grandparents lived into their 90's, that is if I take after my mom's side. I also have come to realize that Dylan, our son has grown up without him and he is a distant memory and he will not attend Abby, our daughter's high school graduation next year.

I see his absence in my mom and how she misses his companionship and direction in simple decisions of life, although I am so proud of how far she has come. I see his absence in my brother's life, knowing that there are many times that he could use his counsel and guidance for direction. I feel his absence at times in the spiritual wisdom that he often gave to me in tough times.

Apart from his his physical and spiritual absence, he left a legacy, his character was so profound, you just aspired to be like him. At the time of his death, I felt that I was at a crossroads. I had ridden on his coat tails for the majority of my life. My kids often ask why I always think and talk about spiritual things. I decided that I could just live life, walking through the motions, or I could carry the torch that my dad had lit inside of me.

I can remember as clear as day, the night I did not sleep, trying to comprehend that my dad was no longer here, that I would pick up where he left off. My dad was intentional. He didn't care about the vehicles he drove or the clothes on his back or whether he was in perfect physical shape or that he would go down as one of the most famous pastors of all time. In the end, he lived in the middle of the desert, being manager and caretaker of a camp, for children who were underprivileged and would come to a camp to hear about the love of Jesus. In his last moments, he was feeding the animals of the petting zoo, alone, in pure peace and silence, probably singing songs of praise or spending time with our heavenly Father.

I have always hoped and prayed that I would become like my dad, "Jesus in the flesh to those who need love." As he aged, I saw him become more humble and more dependent on Jesus for small things in life. He was less concerned about his title or what job he would receive next, he just wanted to please the Lord in everything he said and did. I also saw him become more reflective about praying more and saying less. My father was far from perfect and I find myself in the same place, making so many mistakes, often wishing I didn't do or say the things I wish I wouldn't do. I think in maturity you start to take ownership for your past and present. So many people walk through life laying blame on others or make excuses for their shortcomings instead of owning up to the fact that at some point you grow up and have to take responsibility for your own actions. We choose for ourselves the course our lives will take. You can love God or not. You can forgive family and friends or not. You can live your life to help others or not. You can live at peace with all men or not. I think that is one of the most remarkable things about God. In His infinite love for us, He gave us freewill.

I find I have the same heart as my dad, wanting no one to perish without knowing the love of Jesus. I think he loved others a little more unconditionally than I do, but I am learning to forgive and extend mercy and grace to those who don't ask for it or deserve it.. Maybe he had a little more experience and I am still a work in progress. I guess the Lord won't bring me home until He has refined me to where I am fit for the kingdom.

The saying Two Shakes of a Lamb's tail talks about how things will happen in the indefinite future. I'm not sure how much longer it will be before I see my dad again, a day, month, year, 5, 10, 20, 30. But the saying is true, as you grow older, time passes more quickly. I often think that my dad is still watching and I hope I make him proud. I also think that he continues to intercede in prayer on my behalf that I will fulfill my purpose here on earth. I think Micah 6:8 says it all, "To act justly and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God." It is how my dad lived his days here on earth, and it is how I will continue to try to live intentionally here too!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

An Apple a Day

Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you. III John 1:2

There are so many things in life we take for granted. One of the most important things is our health.

Each day I talk on the phone to my husband when he is gone, give instructions to my kids and sing them goodnight, until I find myself with a bad case of the flu and I have no voice, for several days.

We ride bikes, take hikes and walk the dogs until one day, I twist my ankle, pull a ligament or throw out my back just by getting up out of bed and I can't exercise like I'd like.

Some of these ailments can be healed with rest, time and a bottle of theraflu or advil. Others take longer to heal. We have friends whose daughter has had pneumonia and has been in the hospital for several days. We also have another dear friend who has been battling cancer, going through chemotherapy. What should we do when someone that you care about is sick? James 5:14 says, "Is anyone among you sick, call for the church leaders and have them pray for you." We are starting to see healing in this little girl's life because many people have banned together and are consistent in asking God for healing.

I often forget to thank God when everyone is healthy in my household. I don't forget to ask him for healing though when one of us comes down sick and then I pray that the rest don't receive the same thing. I think it is just as important to give Him praise when things are going well and everyone is feeling well, as it is to ask Him for healing when we can't overcome an ailment with modern medicine.

We can do our best to eat well, rest and exercise but in the end, an apple a day will not stop us from being hurt or sick.  I do believe that the greatest healer can only be found in Jesus. He has been healing the sick for many years. Sometimes He chooses to heal us completely here on earth, sometimes He allows us to endure sickness to provide others with compassion and empathy and other times it is only in the eternal that by taking someone home they receive eternal healing.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Spinning Your Wheels

All things work together for good to those that love Him.

So many of us spend so much time and energy going back to the past. What if I would have done this or that, what if I said this or wouldn't have said that? What if I would have made that choice or would have chosen differently? You can call it living with regrets, or second guessing what could have been or might have been that would cause you to live a different set of events in the present. Saying what if is like running in place or spinning your wheels when you are stuck in the mud. It is pointless, a useless waste of energy that sucks the life and joy out of your soul.

Last week as I was driving, I heard the still small voice that I often hear driving in silence. "What if Faith, your life is how I planned it." What if I have allowed everything in your life for a purpose, What if the "what if's" were specifically designed for you so that you would fully rely on me? Many people believe that they deserve to be happy, without stress, without tragedies, without trials and errors. However, there is no place in all of Scripture that promises anything remotely like that. There is no such thing as the perfect life! Every one of us looks for it and there is truly no such thing! We are all imperfect people. Not one of us is without sin or have not been broken. Broken people break others. We live in a broken world. It has been this way since Adam and Eve.

I am so thankful that God is control of life and not me. When the doubts come and I second guess myself, I remember that God loves me more than anyone else and that He knows what is best for me, even more than I know for myself. I know that He is not responsible for bad things that happen. His hand is upon me when life is going along effortlessly and He is there in difficult times too. I know and believe that He is All Powerful, All Knowing, Kind and Loving, everywhere at all times. This gives me confidence that in my weakness, I rest under the protection of His Loving care. It does not mean that I am isolated from evil, but because I am His child, no matter what happens to me today or in the future, He is with me now til eternity. There comes a confidence knowing that whatever has happened and what will happen in the future, He will use it for His glory.